10 Health Benefits of Dietary Fiber!

The benefits of dietary fiber are diverse as it helps to treat various health complications, you’ve probably heard it a million times. But what do you think fiber does to you? Dietary Fiber is best known for relieving constipation . But there are other ways to make your life a breeze.

Before we see what  Dietary Fiber  can do for our  body , we need to know the types of soluble fiber and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber dissolves in water and forms a gel-like substance. It can help lower blood sugar and blood  cholesterol levels .

And insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water. That’s why it can promote movement in your digestive system and increase the bulk of your stool. This type of fiber helps relieve constipation . Interestingly, most plant-based foods contain both types of fiber.

But since the amount of each type varies from one food to another, it’s important that you consume a wide variety of foods  rich in Dietary Fiber , including fresh fruits and vegetables. Dietary Fiber does a lot more than what you just saw. So, now check out the  Health Benefits of Dietary Fiber:

Health Benefits of Dietary Fiber:

Promotes Weight Loss:

Several studies have already reported that it helps to increase healthy bacteria in the gut. Studies have shown that healthy gut bacteria have a role to play in weight loss. They can even fight obesity and metabolic syndrome.

The good bacteria in the gut also fight inflammation, which is another major contributing factor to obesity. It can also keep you full and reduce your appetite, which can lead to healthy weight loss.

According to a Harvard Medical School report, taking 30 grams a day can lead to healthy weight loss and other associated benefits. And it’s important to note that consuming enough water (at least 8 glasses a day) is what makes Dietary Fibers work best. Water also works against hunger, helping to reduce weight.

Against Constipation:

Increasing the amount in your diet  can increase the number of stools you go to the bathroom, and this is a safe way to treat constipation . This is how Dietary Fiber works for most people when it comes to relieving constipation .

However, certain individuals may be aggravating their symptoms by consuming  Dietary Fibers . This may be especially true for patients with  chronic constipation who have never had enough Dietary Fiber in their diets before,  whole foods  work best for relieving constipation . These include whole-grain breads, cereals and even pasta.

Dietary Fiber  helps improve gut health and bowel movement. Studies have shown how  Dietary Fibers can improve symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. Soluble fiber is found to be the ideal type in most cases of IBS. This type of fiber also helps with diarrhea – it can absorb excess fluid in the stomach and firm up the stool.

Helps Fight Diabetes:

One thing to be happy about is that fiber alone can never raise your sugar levels. Because it cannot be digested. And the other thing to be happy about is that it can reduce the impact carbohydrates can have on blood glucose levels .

The intestines take much longer to digest rich foods and this slows down the release of glucose into the bloodstream. The American Diabetes Association calls dietary fiber  intake the most rational way to improve the diet for diabetics.

Studies also show that consuming more than 26 grams  a day can reduce the risk of diabetes. And a high intake of soluble fiber can improve type 2 diabetes.

Benefits of Dietary Fiber for Heart Health:

According to the American Heart Association, it can lower cholesterol levels and protect the heart. It can, in fact, completely prevent cardiovascular disease.

Research has also shown how  Dietary Fiber can lower blood pressure levels, and this prevents heart attacks and strokes. Simply put, an increased intake of whole grains, nuts, fruits and vegetables provides varying amounts of fiber and protects the heart from disease.

Helps Prevent Cancer:

This is another one of the excellent Benefits of Dietary Fiber. We know that Dietary Fiber helps waste travel faster through the colon and out of the system. This residue can also contain carcinogens, and since fiber speeds up their excretion, it can help prevent cancer.

Research has also shown that Africans, when compared to Americans, have surprisingly low rates of colon cancer – and this fact can be attributed to the high amount of dietary fiber  in the  typical African diet .

And according to a report by the American Institute for Cancer Research, non-starchy vegetables and fruits can prevent cancer of the mouth, larynx, esophagus, colon, rectum, and stomach.

Against Hemorrhoids:

Hemorrhoids are swollen blood vessels in the external rectum and anus — structures that make bowel movements very painful. But according to research done at Harvard Medical School, including more dietary fiber  in your diet is the first step in treating hemorrhoids.

In case you are also going for Dietary Fiber supplements , it is better to get psyllium husk fiber supplements. They can be effective in reducing pain, itching, bleeding, and even prolapse.

Helps Prevent Kidney Stones:

Studies have linked low dietary fiber intake  to an increased risk of gallstones. An American study showed that Dietary Fiber could prevent the formation of cholesterol stones.

Studies have also shown how Dietary Fiber could prevent the formation of kidney stones. This was especially true in post-menopausal women. While more research is needed to understand whether fiber can prevent kidney stones in people with a history of stones or not, this is an encouraging step.

For Bone Health:

While there is less research here, one study talks about how soluble dietary fiber from corn can increase bone retention in postmenopausal women. However, we need more research before we can come to a conclusion.

Helps Boost Immunity:

Several studies have shown that  soluble can stimulate the immune system. One such study conducted by the University of Illinois claims that soluble Dietary Fiber can reduce obesity-associated inflammation and strengthen immunity.

Furthermore, the Dietary Fiber  we consume feeds the billions of bacteria in our gut. Well-nourished gut bacteria boost the immune system and keep it in good working order.

For Skin Health:

It helps remove yeast and fungus from your body through your system. If it doesn’t, they will be excreted through your skin  and lead to acne and rashes. Additionally, consuming large amounts of Dietary Fiber  (in addition to drinking adequate water) can help the body eliminate toxins. This prevents inflammation and clogged pores.

In fact, constipation  and other abdominal problems have also been linked to acne. Simply put – your skin health also depends on your gut health. It acts as a natural detox, cleansing your gastrointestinal tract of toxins. This positively affects skin health as well.

Well, those are some important benefits. We now understand why it’s important to be mindful of our fiber intake and make sure we’re getting enough of it.

How to Include More Fiber in Your Diet:

The following tips can help you incorporate more into your diet :

  • Eat a high-fiber cereal for breakfast. It can have 5 or more grams of fiber per serving. We suggest that you opt for those fiber brands that have “whole grain” or “bran” or “fiber” in the name.
  • While baking, you can replace the white flour with whole wheat flour.
  • Switch to whole grains. Try barley, brown rice, whole wheat and whole grain pasta.
  • Include more legumes in your diet . These include beans, peas and lentils. Add beans to your evening salad. Or make nachos with fried black beans.
  • Consume more fruits and vegetables. They are packed with Dietary Fiber  and other essential nutrients. Go for five or more servings a day.
  • Whole-grain or low-fat popcorn crackers are smart snack options. You can also snack on toasted walnuts.

What Happens When You Take Too Much Dietary Fiber?

  • Mineral Deficiencies:  Dietary  Fiber binds to minerals. But excess dietary fiber  can bind so much to minerals that it makes it difficult for them to be effectively absorbed. This can lead to mineral deficiencies.
  • Diarrhea:  This happens with excess intake of insoluble fiber. A lot of it, without
  • Constipation : Excess can cause constipation , even more so in people who already suffer from the disease. Constipation happens  with excess intake of soluble fiber.
  • Bloating and Gas: Too  much Dietary Fiber  can cause digestive discomfort, and this includes bloating and gas ( flatulence ). It can also lead to abdominal cramping.
Useful links: 

It is quite common, unfortunately, and it is also quite exuberant. Which brings us to a question, how much is your intake. Think about it and make sure you include more fiber in your diet . We promise you will see your lifestyle improve over time.

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