The 8 Health Benefits of Phosphorus
Human bodies will be unable to function properly if there is not an adequate amount of phosphorus in the body. All the essential activities of the body like that of the brain, heart, blood, kidney, etc. need phosphorus . Phosphorus is an important chemical element with the symbol P and atomic number 15. It is highly reactive, so it has never been found as a free element on Earth.
Phosphorus in the Human Body:
- 85% of the total phosphorus in the body is present in the skeleton.
- 14% present in soft tissues such as muscles.
- 1% is present in blood and body fluids.
Uses of Phosphorus:
- It is an essential element in many proteins.
- The tooth structure and skeleton is made of phosphorus .
- Phosphorus is essential for the transfer of energy within cells and important for all bodily functions.
- Phosphorus is a crucial element in the structure of DNA. DNA cannot form without it.
You will always find minerals containing phosphorus. There are two types of phosphorus: one is red and the other is white. It is a unique non-renewable element. Phosphorus is significant for life. Phosphates are a constituent of DNA, RNA, ATP and phospholipids, which form all cell membranes. Phosphorus is present in urine and body ash. This demonstrated the link between life and phosphorus. It is the second most abundant mineral in the body after calcium. Phosphorus is absorbed into the blood from the intestine. Calcium and vitamin D are necessary for the absorption of phosphorus. So, check out The 8 Health Benefits of Phosphorus.
Phosphorus Benefits for Strong Bones and Teeth: Since the maximum amount of phosphorus is needed for bones and teeth, one must make sure that you are getting enough phosphorus. It’s not just calcium that is required by bones; phosphorus is equally important. It helps keep bones and teeth strong and healthy. The mineral is most needed in the puberty stages for growth hormone. Women also crucially require this during pregnancy and menopausal stages. Phosphorushelps to promote remineralization of teeth and bones . An adequate amount of calcium and phosphorusit is needed to prevent osteoporosis, a disease of the bone. However, bone growth can be hampered if the calcium to phosphorus ratio is too high. Phosphorus helps prevent tooth decay and gum problems.
Phosphorus Benefits for Digestion: Phosphorus helps to facilitate proper digestion. Stimulates digestion of riboflavin and niacin effectively. They help to metabolize energy and increase the emotional and neurological response system. It helps clear up indigestion, diarrhea, constipation and generally tones the digestive system for normal, healthy bowel movements. Improves the health of the digestive system.
Phosphorus Benefits for Urination and Excretion: Phosphorusand the mineral also help keep the kidney healthy and its functions active. The mineral ensures the proper release of waste from the kidneys through the process of urine and excretion. Phosphorus helps to achieve a healthy balance of all fluids and materials that are removed from the body. It helps balance the level of uric acid in the body, increasing the amount and frequency of urinating. It helps to keep the body free of toxins. It helps regulate fluid levels in the body.
Phosphorus Benefits for Brain Function: Phosphorusis highly necessary for proper mental functions. Concentration, memory and mental functioning can all be improved with the consumption of this mineral. The proper level of phosphorus ensures growth and cognitive development. Phosphorus deficiencycan lead to an early onset of neurological diseases like dementia and Alzheimer’s. It can also increase the risk of cognitive dysfunction.
Phosphorus Benefits for Hormone Balance: Phosphorushelps regulate the balance of hormones in the body. It helps to achieve good reproductive health by ensuring that balanced amounts of hormones are present. Phosphorus interacts with the endocrine glands and helps control the production and release of hormones.
Phosphorus Benefits To Create Energy : Phosphorus helps create energy that is used by the body every day. It helps in the flow of energy and ensures that it is efficiently used by the different organs. The mineral helps break down nutrients, releasing energy into the food you eat. It prevents you from feeling tired or tired. An adequate amount of phosphorus in the body helps to keep alert and energetic. It helps treat minor problems like muscle weakness, numbness, sexual weakness, impotence, loss of libido, frigidity, sperm motility, etc. Phosphorus acts as a participant in all chemical reactions that take place in the body.
Phosphorus Benefits To Absorb Vitamins: Phosphorushelps to absorb vitamins, especially vitamin B, in the body. Vitamins are essential for the proper functioning of the body. Phosphorus helps to repair and maintain the various cells in the body that undergo daily wear and tear and tear. It ensures that the cells are well developed and active.
Phosphorus Benefits for Protein Production: Phosphorusalso helps create proteins. Our body grows and maintains itself with protein metabolism. The mineral also helps in the reproduction process. It also helps the body to utilize the carbohydrates and fats present.