Banana is good for pregnancy, anemia and digestion: see the 30 benefits of the fruit

Bananas have been consumed for many years due to their impressive nutritional content, which includes vitamins such as Vitamin C , Vitamin B6 , riboflavin, folic acid, pantothenic acid, and niacin, as well as trace amounts of other vitamins.

In terms of minerals, bananas provide a significant amount of potassium , manganese , magnesium and copper. Banana is also a rich source of fiber and protein.

Bananas  help with weight  loss, reduce obesity, cure intestinal disorders, relieve constipation and cure conditions like dysentery, anemia , tuberculosis, arthritis, gout, kidney and urinary disorders.

Nutritional benefits of banana:

Banana is known for providing instant  energy. It provides 90 calories per 100 grams of its consumption.

It is one of the main sources of carbohydrates and sugar. Bananas are  also rich in dietary fiber and contain a small amount of fat and protein.

In addition to vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin A , Vitamin C , Vitamin B, Iron , Magnesium , Potassium , Manganese , Zinc and Fluoride.

  • Fat 0.5 g;
  • Saturated fats 0.2 g;
  • Monounsaturated fats 0.1 g;
  • Polyunsaturated fats 0.1 g;
  • Carbohydrates 34.3 g;
  • Sugars 18.3 g;
  • Protein 1.6 g;
  • Dietary fiber 3.9 g;
  • Colesterol 0,0 mg;
  • Sodium 0.1 g;
  • Water 112.4 g.

Health benefits of banana:

Lowers Blood Pressure:

Banana is an  important source of potassium , which is known to lower blood pressure. This helps to counterbalance the effects of sodium on the body.

The potassium content in banana  is around 500 mg while it contains only 1 mg of sodium.

Potassium helps control the amount of fluid in the body, and it also helps maintain the delicate balance between sodium and potassium.

Red banana is a great alternative to lower blood pressure.

For the Brain: 

The  fruit  is a rich source of  Vitamin B  and therefore beneficial for nerve function.

Potassium  in  banana keeps the mental faculties vigilant and enhances learning abilities.


Vitamin B6 , serotonin , tryptophan and dopamine present in the fruit help fight PMS symptoms , erratic mood swings and depression .


The antacid substance in  banana  gives immense relief from heartburn.

Menstrual Problems:

Boiled banana  helps relieve painful and excessive bleeding during the menstrual cycle as well as other menstrual ailments .


The fruit is rich in amino acids known as tryptophan. This substance activates the production of melatonin (sleep hormone) which induces sleep.

Eating bananas a few hours before bed ensures a peaceful night’s sleep.

For Allergies: 

The presence of benign amino acids in  the fruit  helps fight allergies.

Recover from Hangover:

When mixed with honey and yogurt , it cures hangovers.

To Quit Smoking: 

Vitamins B6 and  B12  along with   Magnesium and  Potassium  in  bananas  help  recover  from nicotine addiction.

Foot Health: 

The moisturizing property present in the fruit can be used to get rid of  cracked feet .

All you need to do is crush the pulp of two  ripe bananas  and apply this pulp to clean, dry feet. Leave it on for 10 minutes and rinse your feet.

Banana pulp  will  penetrate deep into  dry  and cracked skin to make your feet soft and supple.

Natural Moisturizer:

Banana is a great natural moisturizer for your skin . Vitamin A present in the fruit restores lost moisture and repairs damaged, dull and dry skin .

To moisturize dry , dull skin, bruise a ripe fruit and apply it to your face. Avoid eye contact.

Leave it on your skin for 20-25 minutes and then wash off with warm water.

You’ll instantly have smooth, supple skin . If you have extremely dry and flaky skin, you can also add honey to this face mask. This banana and honey mask also helps to get rid of skin pigmentation.

Another easy face mask to have hydrated skin is to mash half of a ripe fruit and mix it with 1 tablespoon of Yogurt and 1 teaspoon of Vitamin E. Apply it generously on a clean face and wash it off after 30 minutes.

Digestion Aid:

Bananas are known for their high amount of dietary fiber. These dietary fibers help in the binding and accumulation of food particles and aid in efficient evacuation. therefore, intestinal problems and constipation can be easily avoided by consuming the  fruit .

It is even beneficial during diarrhea as it helps to maintain the electrolyte balance in the body and also provides an adequate amount of potassium.

Banana is an excellent source of fructooligosaccharides, which are prebiotics, which help maintain beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract.

These bacteria help in promoting digestion and improving gut health.


Banana helps  to strengthen bones and improve bone density in the body. They contain fructooligosaccharides, which help in the absorption of essential nutrients such as calcium and magnesium .

Green bananas have short chain fatty acids, which makes them even more beneficial in improving bone health.

For spill: 

Studies indicate that regular intake of the fruit  in the daily diet helps to reduce the occurrence of  stroke  and this is due to the high amount of  potassium .

For Cancer: 

Rich in antioxidants and dietary fiber, consumption of the fruit reduces the risk of various types of  cancer , especially  bowel cancer.

for Vision:

Vision can be improved by consuming Banana  daily. It contains alpha and beta carotene and Vitamin A which helps in protecting the retina of the eye. Age-related macular degeneration can be prevented by its consumption.

Banana Reduces Stress and Depression:

Potassium is known to be a stress-busting mineral.

Fruit also contains  tryptophan, which is converted into serotonin.

Serotonin acts as a relaxant and thus relaxes a person’s mind and improves mood.

Kidney Health: 

As  bananas  are a rich source of  potassium , if consumed regularly in moderation, it promotes kidney health.

The International Journal of Cancer states that  bananas  being a rich source of phenolic antioxidant compounds, if consumed along with  cabbage  and root vegetables protect kidney health.

Anti-Aging Properties: 

The nutrients in  bananas  help fight against wrinkles and keep the skin youthful. For an anti-aging face mask loaded with  vitamins A  and E, bruise together with an  avocado  and a  banana .

Leave on skin for 25 minutes and rinse. The skin will be soft and youthful.

The  Vitamin E  in  avocado  combined with the nutrients in  bananas  fights free radicals and repairs damage.

Another simple face mask to combat the effect of aging is to bruise a  banana  until it is very creamy and add a teaspoon of rose water. Apply it on face and neck and wash off after half an hour.

Banana is an excellent Natural Moisturizer: 

Banana  is a great natural  moisturizer for your  skin . Vitamin A present   in  the fruit  restores lost moisture and repairs   damaged, dull and dry skin . To moisturize  dry  and dull skin, bruise a  ripe banana  and apply it to your face.

Avoid eye contact. Leave it on your skin for 20-25 minutes and then wash off with warm water.

You’ll instantly have   smooth, supple skin . If you have extremely dry and flaky skin, you can also add honey to this face mask. This banana and honey mask   also helps to get rid of skin pigmentation.

Stomach Ulcers: 

Certain substances in the fruit stimulate the cells that make up the lining of the stomach, which allows for the production of a thicker protective mucus barrier against stomach acids.

A substance known as protease inhibitors in  bananas  helps to get rid of bacteria in the stomach that produces stomach ulcers, thus protecting against stomach and ulcer damage.

For Diarrhea: 

Raw  bananas  are astringent in nature and are effective in treating  diarrhea . They also regulate fluid balance.

Swollen eyes:

Crush half of a banana and apply generously around puffy eyes. Let it sit for 15-20 minutes and then rinse with cold water. The swelling will disappear instantly.

Potassium rich fruit draws out excess fluid under the skin and reduces swelling immediately.

You can also apply banana peels instead of puree.

For Constipation:

The pectin found in the fruit helps relieve constipation and improves bowel function.

For Anemia: 

Bananas  are good for anemic patients as they contain high levels of  Iron   that help regulate hemoglobin levels in the body .

To the feet:

The moisturizing property present in the fruit can be used to get rid of cracked feet .

All you need to do is crush the pulp of two ripe bananas and apply this pulp to clean, dry feet. Leave it on for 10 minutes and rinse your feet.

The fruit pulp will penetrate deep into dry and cracked skin to make your feet soft and supple.

Other benefits of banana

Bananas  are  useful in maintaining weight and should be consumed by people who want to keep fit.

The fruit  is low in calories and has a low glycemic index. In addition, bananas  keep the person satiated as they are rich in dietary fiber.

  • Anemia can be prevented by its consumption. It is rich in Iron , which aids in the production of hemoglobin.
  • Bananas are known to fight morning sickness and nausea.
  • Bananas are an aphrodisiac and contain chelating minerals and the enzyme Bromelain .

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