Acute Alcoholism – Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

Acute Alcoholism – Causes, Symptoms and Treatments that many ignore, therefore. In addition, Acute Alcoholism is an intoxication caused by the abuse of alcoholic beverages, regardless of the drinking habit.Symptoms vary with the amount of alcohol ingested and range from the typical drunken gait to loss of muscle coordination, from decreased mental processes to complete unconsciousness or coma.

Usually, the symptoms disappear as the alcohol burns in the body’s metabolic processes.

In extreme cases of Acute Alcohol Intoxication , it can cause death. Recovery from an acute alcohol crisis is often accompanied by a so-called hangover, headache , nausea and dehydration.

Some of these effects do not depend on alcohol , but on substances that accompany it, responsible for the differences in taste and action of different types of alcoholic beverages. In general, in an alcoholic beverage, the effects of these substances are insignificant when compared to the alcohol contained in it.

The pleasant initial effects of alcohol are well known. Drink is the usual companion of many social gatherings, which is not normally a health hazard when in very moderate doses. However, it should not be forgotten that a large number of road accidents are caused by drunk drivers.

Causes of Alcoholism:

  • The desire to join a group.
  • Test your limits with alcohol .
  • Do some kind of ritual.
  • I want to forget about the problems related to adolescence.
  • Mask fear of responsibilities.

Symptoms of Acute Alcoholism:  In advanced stages, Acute Alcoholism becomes physiological, that is, the drink makes the body dependent on it. It is possible to notice significant changes in the person’s life, which falls into a true vicious cycle. To forget about the problems caused by alcohol , she starts drinking more and more. As your body is tolerant of drinking, it requires an increasing amount of alcohol .

When a person is extremely addicted, he can have different types of diseases. Alcohol compromises your immune system and increases your risk of heart disease and respiratory infections. The alcoholic can also suffer from hepatitis and have irreversible brain damage.

The rampant consumption of alcohol makes the person have their personal life compromised. At first she denies her addiction, but builds up resentment for her addiction. In serious cases it becomes aggressive and psychotic. Often has visual and auditory hallucinations. Her financial life becomes compromised, and she can no longer have any control over her alcohol consumption.

Treatments for Acute Alcoholism:  There is no cure for Acute Alcoholism , but  Acute Alcoholism  can be treated no matter the age of the sufferer. There are several ways to end the problem, such as help groups, therapy and treatment with medical follow-up.

As the alcoholic does not realize the degree of his illness, it is important that his family and friends advise him to seek help. The first step is to convince the alcoholic that he is sick.

Hospitalization is usually the best way to start, so that the patient can detoxify. Treatments based on improving cognition and behavior are the most indicated. Gradually, with the reduction of Acute Alcoholism , the person regains social skills and maintains control.

After the detoxification process , the patient should be referred for therapy with medical supervision. A recommended program is the Alcoholics Anonymous “12 Steps”. The meetings are conversational and help the ex-alcoholic to live without drinking in his blood.

First Aid:  When you are in a place where a person has symptoms of acute intoxication, do the following:

With the Conscious victim:

  • Give her very sugary drinks.
  • Try to induce vomiting so that she eliminates gastric contents.
  • Watch your vital functions.
  • Try to keep the victim at the same body temperature.

With the Unconscious Victim:

  • Keep your body temperature.
  • Watch your vital functions.
  • Put sugar under your tongue.
  • Leave the person in a patent airway.
  • Take her to the hospital as soon as possible.

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