6 weeks pregnant: doubts? everything you need to know!

At your 6 weeks pregnant , you are starting to notice the changes in your body and the  pregnancy hormones are  working. Even though people can’t see that you’re pregnant yet, your uterus is growing. It can put pressure on your bladder and send you running to the bathroom more often. Increased blood flow to the kidneys also contributes to more frequent urination .

At 6 weeks pregnant  your baby is about 1/8 to 1/4 inch long, or about the size of a pomegranate seed or pea . The fetus looks like a tadpole, with a small tail that will become a spinal column. Small buds are on their way to becoming arms, legs and ears. The brain , lungs and other organs are also developing.

While it’s too early to see if the baby has a nose that looks like someone else’s, what will become facial features are unfolding. The fetus has teeth and a thin layer of skin . A fetus’s heartbeat can be detected by vaginal ultrasound at this stage of pregnancy .

What are the symptoms at 6 weeks of pregnancy?

Because it’s still early in your pregnancy , you may not yet be experiencing symptoms at this point, some women are terribly nauseous while others feel next to nothing.

1. Fatigue:

At 6 weeks pregnant you are exhausted because your body is still getting used to your changing hormones . Get some more rest if you’re feeling exhausted.

2. Nausea:

Mothers-to-be who are  6 weeks pregnant  with twins may experience even more severe nausea . It’s a good idea to find foods that help settle your stomach and keep them on hand to snack regularly, as having an empty stomach can trigger episodes of nausea.

3. Sore breasts:

At 6 weeks pregnant your breasts are probably sore thanks to the increased blood flow. Do you believe that your body is already starting to prepare to breastfeed your baby? Yes, even at just  6 weeks pregnant.

4. Frequent urination:

If you have to pee more than usual, it’s because the pregnancy hormone  hCG is directing extra blood flow to the pelvic area at 6 weeks gestation . Going to the bathroom more often is normal, but if you have pain when urinating or feel like going but can’t, tell your doctor right away. These are signs of a urinary tract infection that you are at greater risk for .

5. Gas and Bloating:

The pregnancy hormone  progesterone can cause these tummy troubles. Drink plenty of water and eat fiber-rich foods to prevent constipation , which contributes to bloating .

6. Mood swings:

in the blood can also contribute, so get some more rest and regularly eat healthy meals and snacks to keep your mood (at least in part) in check.

7. Cramps and spots:

At 6 weeks pregnant and anytime in early pregnancy  – cramping and spotting are normal. We know that these symptoms can make you worry about issues like ectopic pregnancy  at 6 weeks and other types of miscarriage. Be aware that if any abdominal pain is severe (stronger than menstrual cramps) or if bleeding becomes heavy like a period, you should call your doctor.

What to do at 6 weeks of pregnancy:

At around 6 Weeks of Pregnancy , you will have your first prenatal visit. Your doctor will examine you, obtain the necessary tests to confirm your pregnancy  , and assess your health.

At 6 weeks gestation  tests may include:

  • Gynecological examination, including Pap smear ;
  • breast exam;
  • I work with blood such as blood type, Rh factor, iron levels and certain genetic disease tests, German measles immunity and more;
  • Testing for a sexually transmitted infection, which may include testing for chlamydia, gonorrhea, and HIV;
  • Assess for elevated glucose ( sugar ) levels and infection;
  • Prenatal genetic testing, such as Down syndrome screening;
  • If you’re not already taking a proper multivitamin with folic acid, ask your doctor to recommend one.

Baby development at 6 weeks gestation:

At 6 weeks pregnant , your baby’s heart will be beating at around twice its rate. There are many changes in the development of the embryo. Overall, the embryo is less than half an inch long. At 6 weeks gestation  the following features, organs and body systems are forming as well:

  • Arm and leg sprouts;
  • Neural tube, the tissue that forms the brain , spinal cord, nerves, and spine;
  • A large head and a smaller C-shaped body;
  • Facial features, including eyes, nose, jaw, cheeks, and chin;
  • The inner ears;
  • The kidneys, liver , lungs, the pituitary gland;
  • The trachea, larynx and bronchi;
  • The heart, dividing into four chambers and pumping blood;
  • Primitive germ cells responsible for the formation of male or female genitalia;
  • A very basic heart can sometimes be seen beating on ultrasound scans at this stage. Right now, it will be beating around 150-160 beats per minute, about twice as fast as your heart.

When to call the doctor at 6 weeks pregnant:

Call your doctor right away if you have any of the following symptoms at 6 weeks pregnant:

  • Vaginal bleeding;
  • Leaking fluid from the vagina;
  • Severe abdominal or pelvic pain;
  • Fever greater than 100.4°F;
  • Blurry vision;
  • Severe headache;
  • Severe or sudden swelling of the hands, face or fingers;
  • Pain or burning when urinating.

Tips for moms at 6 weeks pregnant:

If you are 6 weeks pregnant, carry lots of snacks with you in your bag. Dry crackers, sweet crackers, and water can all be essential for dealing with nausea . Don’t forget to keep a bowl of ice cream in the car if you’re prone to vomiting. Keep the lid on so it can be easily discarded. Try not to feel embarrassed if you are sick in front of other people.

Many of us have been through this and this stage of  6 weeks of pregnancy shouldn’t last long. Avoid any toxins, chemicals, drugs, X-rays, alcohol, or generally risky behavior this week. Week 6 is an important time for change and embryonic development.

Useful links: 

Don’t worry if you actually lost weight at 6 weeks pregnant . Nausea and vomiting can lead to weight loss and there will be plenty of time for you to gain weight and grow more in the coming weeks. Be sure to take the recommended dose of folic acid and iron supplements. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about what is right for you.

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