The 10 Worst Foods for Diabetics

The worst foods for diabetics are mainly those that have an impact on glucose in the body, as people with diabetes tend to have higher amounts of sugar in their blood. If you have diabetes , watching what you eat is one of the most important things you can do to stay healthy. Also, the basic goal of nutrition for people with diabetes is to prevent blood sugar spikes. Therefore, know the 10 worst foods for diabetics .

To help you, we’ve gathered the 10 worst foods for diabetics that you should exclude from your menu anyway. Devastating complications and premature deaths related to diabetes can be prevented. In addition, foods that raise blood sugar reduce insulin sensitivity, increasing the risk. So, let’s get to know the 10 worst foods for diabetics.

1. Sugar: Because it has a simple formula (one molecule of glucose and one of fructose) the ingredient makes blood glucose rise quickly. especially refined foods, such as sugar-sweetened beverages, lacking fiber that slow the absorption of glucose into the blood. Some fruit juices, sugary processed foods, and sweet desserts have similar effects. These foods promote hyperglycemia .

Excessive consumption of sugar causes hunger and increases weight and triglycerides. As it is a food that forms acidity, it can cause diseases, because the more acids the internal environment of the organism, the more chances of some microorganisms to proliferate.

2. Soda: Soda is a great example of one of the  Worst Diabetic Foods . Because if  regular soda is already a poison, diet is even worse. In addition to being as bad as any soda, diet soda has aspartame – or AminoSweet. This substance is linked to the onset of many diseases, such as anxiety attacks, binge eating, birth defects, blindness, brain tumors, chest pain, depression, dizziness, epilepsy, fatigue, headaches, hearing loss, hyperactivity, insomnia, joint pain and many more.

3. Juices from Boxes: Such products cannot even be called juices if they contain less than 50% of fresh fruit pulp. In this case, they are called nectar. In addition, most of these juices are high in sugar, have many preservatives, colorings and not all the vitamins contained in the fruit are present in the drinks. so this is a fine example of worst foods for diabetics.

4. Simple Carbohydrates: Foods made with white flour such as breads, cakes, cookies and pasta should be avoided by those with diabetes , as they have a high glycemic index, that is, they are digested quickly, raising the blood glucose level with same speed. In addition, the best options for those who have the disorder are the wholemeal versions.

5. Ice cream: Ice cream is a good example of the worst foods for diabetics . Yes, ice cream contains high levels of sugar and trans fats. In addition to dyes and flavorings that are very bad for our body. In addition, some ice creams have neurotoxins, which are substances capable of harming the brain and nervous system in general.

6. Fried foods: Practicality and speed is what these delicacies offer, however, because they are fried, the taste loses to the amount of calories and fat, harmful factors to health, contributing to high cholesterol, obesity and even changes hormonal. In addition, excess fat interferes with the normal production of insulin, causing the so-called insulin resistance, which results in weight gain.

7. Sodium: Excess sodium present in salt and processed foods is harmful to all people, however, for diabetes , the risk is greater. With excess salt it is possible to develop hypertension. Given that the patient is more likely to develop cardiovascular problems, if diabetes is linked to hypertension, the risks are frightening.

8. Alcohol: Alcohol is processed the same way the body processes fat and can definitely mess with your blood sugar levels. If you decide to drink alcohol, only consume it on days when your blood sugar levels are under control, and limit your intake to one or two drinks. You can also opt for non-alcoholic drinks, but be sparing in consumption.

9. Red Meat: This food is a source of saturated fat. Taking into account that people with diabetes are more likely to develop cardiovascular problems, the ideal is to moderate the consumption of red meats, as they provide an increase in cholesterol and, consequently, heart disease, even more dangerous factors for diabetics.

10. French Fries: French fries are one of the worst foods for diabetics . The problem here is not just the frying and the large amounts of trans fats, but also the most carcinogenic substance of all: acrylamide, which is formed when white potatoes are overheated. In addition, the presence of the oil causes the same effect as the snack, causing inflammation, aggravating heart problems, cancer and arthritis.

How to Reverse Type 2  Diabetes : Dr. Rocha is the solution for those looking to reverse type 2 diabetes and pre-diabetes in 30 days, naturally and without side effects. more, first let’s know what type 1 and type 2 diabetes is. Well, he will propose you a food reeducation totally different from what you’ve already seen or what you’ve been prescribed by nutritionists and endocrinologists.

The main reason for the great success of Dr. Rocha is that it brings information based on international research, scientifically tested and proven, from major centers of study. And that he himself applied to his patients. as proof of this, check out the testimonial below from camila who controlled her blood sugar from 500 to 116!

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And this is precisely the differential of the program created by Dr. Rocha, In addition, He had the brilliant idea of ​​putting all his knowledge into a series of videos and making them available to his clients, that is, all the people who are part of Dr. Rocha has the option to watch the videos anytime and anywhere as long as you have internet access.

Isn’t this idea amazing? It’s as if you have a doctor on call 24 hours a day and 7 days a week to answer your questions whenever you need to. I particularly believe that this is an excellent way to help people who suffer from diabetes mainly because in addition to Dr. Rocha makes the videos available, he also answers questions and comments from his customers.

Useful links: 

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