Venous Thromboembolism – Causes and Treatments

Venous Thromboembolism , why are women more predisposed to developing thromboembolism? Well, unfortunately, they are born with a greater propensity to have genetic problems that lead to thrombosis. In addition, female hormones tend to increase clotting. The heredity factor also influences, so it is good to pay attention if there are previous cases in the family with venous thromboembolism .

As with all diseases , discovering early the chances of living peacefully with the problem are very great. The simple use of anticoagulant drugs can solve a large portion of the problems and still prevent pulmonary embolism. Another way to live with the disease is to practice physical exercises . Physical activities guarantee an increase in the quality of life and stop the action of the disease.

Venous thromboembolism is a term that comes from the mixture of two diseases, deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism, both terms refer to the obstruction of blood vessels, but with a difference in location. I don’t know if you know, but heart attack and stroke also consist of clogging of vessels, which can lead to death.

The names change because the organs where they occur also change, but both occur due to problems in blood circulation , and we need to be careful,  deep vein thrombosis is the clotting of blood in deep veins, especially in the lower limbs.

Causes: The causes can derive from a problem with the blood itself, which starts to clot more easily, however, other reasons are apparent. A person who smokes a lot can be a victim of a thrombosis. This is because the nicotine particles and other substances from the cigarette that fall into the current end up sticking to the walls of the vessels.

This makes them thicker on the inside, decreasing the space for blood to pass through. In the same way, a person who has an unbalanced diet, rich in sugars and fat and low in fiber, is also prone to suffer a deep thrombosis.

  • Circulation in the lower limbs is naturally impaired, due to gravitational issues;
  • The blood descends smoothly to the feet, but it is more difficult to ascend;
  • It is common for people who spend a lot of time on their feet to feel pain in their legs;
  • Getting some rest with your legs elevated can help;

Therefore, to avoid a deep thrombosis, or any other clogging of vessels and veins, it is very important to maintain:

Venous thromboembolism also has other origins.

  • surgery;
  • obesity;
  • trauma;
  • advanced age;
  • cancer;
  • the use of contraceptives;
  • pregnancy and postpartum and even varicose veins;

Varicose veins are a sign that circulation is not good, so if you are experiencing pain in your legs even if the spider veins do not appear, it is important to seek medical help. Unfortunately, it is a common disease, but if not treated properly it can kill a person. Despite being the combination of two problems, venous thromboembolism is considered a single condition, having combined treatments.

Treatment:  The treatment of venous thromboembolism takes care of relieving symptoms such as pain and swelling, controlling the formation of clots and decreasing the possibility of death. Medications are usually given orally and intravenously, and the doctor needs to monitor the patient closely.

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