Types of avocado: 17 varieties and their characteristics
There are a few different and highly nutritious types of avocados that often end up on our toast or as guacamole and dessert.
Also, avocado is a large fruit that contains a single seed.
It has more than 500 varieties that vary in size, texture, shape and fruit maturation rate.
However, the avocado tree can survive over 400 years and is native to south-central Mexico.
The first avocado was found in a cave in Coxcatlán, Puebla, Mexico, and dates back to around 10,000 BC. Ç.
An avocado-shaped water jug dating from 900 AD. C was also discovered in the pre-Inca city of Chan Chan. These plants were cultivated in Central and South America as early as 5000 BC. Ç.
Nutritional value of avocado:
- Calories 114;
- Dietary fiber 6 g;
- total sugar 0.2 g;
- Sodium 5.5 mg;
- Magnesium 19.5 mg;
- Vitamin A 43 micrograms (μg);
- Vitamin E 1.3 mg;
- Potassium 345 milligrams (mg);
- Vitamin K 14; g;
- Vitamina B6 0,2 mg;
- Monounsaturated fatty acids 6.7 g;
Overall, this fruit contains a good amount of potassium , dietary fiber and fats, in addition to having almost two-thirds (71 percent) of monounsaturated fatty acids also known as the “good fats” that lower LDL, or “bad” cholesterol . and increase HDL, or “good” cholesterol .
So, know what are the different types of avocados .
types of avocados
1. Abacate choquette
Shockette avocado originates from Florida and is a blend of two different types – from Guatemala and the West Indies. In addition, it has an oval shape and dark green color, smooth and shiny skin and high water content.
The pulp itself has a mild flavor and is quite watery. In fact, when you cut the shocktte avocado, it releases a kind of silky fluid.
2. Abacate gwen
The gwen avocado is oval and dark green in color and its texture and flavor are similar to that of the hass avocado, but the gwen is larger and has a creamy and very tasty flesh.
What’s more, it’s also easy to peel, even with its thick, stony skin , and it was first developed in California.
It weighs up to 15 ounces, is plump, and has a small to medium-sized seed.
3. Abacate hass
Hass avocados are a little different because they have a purplish black color. That doesn’t mean they aren’t popular.
however, because it is this type of avocado that makes up the majority of avocados that come from California.
It has a velvety texture and nutty taste , and its thick skin turns dark purple as it matures.
Its pulp is light green in color and its flavor is exquisite, which makes it perfect for making guacamole.
There is also a Lamp Hass variety, which tastes similar to regular Hass, but is much larger in size. This one has pebbled skin and a medium-sized seed.
4. Squid avocado
The green, pear-shaped squid avocado is native to South Florida and has a large seed and dark, shiny skin.
If you choose to grow squid avocados, you will find that they are sometimes susceptible to the scab fungus; however, they also grow very quickly and can handle most cold climates.
5. Crazy avocado
These are beautiful, relatively new, dark purple avocados discovered in the 1990s. It is a very large type of avocado and has very rough skin.
When planted, the fruit grows profusely, albeit slowly, and was discovered in South Africa, although its exact heritage is unknown.
It also has larger seeds than many other types of avocados , weighing up to 35 centimeters.
6. Mexico avocados
The mexicola avocado is black in color and pear-shaped, originating in Mexico, hence its name.
With a smooth, shiny skin and smaller than normal size, the Mexicola avocado can be difficult to peel because of its thin skin, although the seed is quite large and is a very tasty type of avocado.
The skin itself is also edible and many people claim that it has a fennel flavor.
7. Abacate pinkerton
The Pinkerton Avocado is actually quite long and has a small seed and light green flesh, is oval in shape, with rough, thick skin, these avocados are rich in oil and have a very tasty, nutty flavor .
It is also cold and frost resistant, which means it can be grown in many different locations.
8. Reed avocado
These round, dark green avocados are some of the largest avocados available, about the size of a softball. In addition, it has a medium-sized seed and a medium-thick husk, with a smooth and shiny texture.
The reed avocado has golden yellow flesh and a very delicate, somewhat nutty flavor.
They were developed by James Reed around 1948, and many people think they are the tastiest avocados out there.
9. Dwarf avocado
Also called the small avocado, it is known to be the only dwarf variety of this type of avocado .
Even the tree is compact, reaching no more than 3 meters in height, while other trees can reach 24 meters in height.
Plus, it has a delicious flavor and a beautiful green size, ripens from May to September, and can withstand temperatures of up to 32 degrees Fahrenheit.
10. Abacate bacon
Bacon avocado has been around since 1951 and has a bright yellow flesh that is delicate and light in flavor.
Also, this is one of the types of avocados that has freckled green skin and oval shape and the seed is unusually large and also has a high oil content in its pulp.
They bloom from late fall to early spring and can reach 12 ounces in size.
11. Abacate brogdon
Brogdon avocados are perfect for growing in cool climates and have a rich flavor that is similar to Hass avocados.
Since the skin is so thin that it is difficult to peel, this type of avocado is not always available in the market, but this dark purple fruit is popular nonetheless.
12. Abacate ettinger
Also, this is one of the types of avocados that look a lot like pears, with their bright green color, and they grow mostly in Israel.
They have thin, smooth skin that is not easily peeled off, they are low in oil, and they have a mild flavor. He also has a pretty big seed.
13. Grab it strong
These green avocados have medium-thick skin and leathery nature, so they peel easily.
Its seed is relatively large and has a flavor close to hazelnut. It is also thick and has a light, oily texture.
14. Avocado monroe
The monroe avocado is unusual in being much larger than most other types of avocados , sometimes weighing up to a pound or more.
They are frost-resistant and have a rough, shiny skin, although the flesh is slightly less watery than many other types of avocados .
15. Avocado sharwil
These beautiful green avocados are medium in size, with a rough green skin and yellowish-green flesh. Also, if picked early in the season, avocados are firm but soften as the season approaches.
16. Strong black avocado
These avocados have a high quality flavor and look like a black Fuerte avocado.
Also, this is one of the types of avocados that ripens from November to March and can withstand temperatures of up to 28 degrees Fahrenheit. The pulp remains green even after being cut.
17. Zutano avocado
Zutano avocados have a thin, shiny skin that can be difficult to peel. In addition, this is one of the types of avocados that have medium-sized seeds and light green flesh with a light flavor. Its oil content is low but contains a lot of water and its flavor is mild but tasty.