Top 5 Tips for Protecting Memory

The Best Tips to Protect Memory in a simple and natural way. In addition, to exercise memory and make it tick, it is important to play with reasoning games, such as checkers, chess, puzzles, questions and answers (general knowledge), memory games and anything else that can work the mind. . But beyond that, there are other tips that are super effective when it comes to protecting the brain. So, check out  Top 5 Tips for Protecting Memory.

Eat Well: Eating is one of the best tips to protect your memory.  This is an issue that should always be emphasized, after all, the phrase “you are what you eat” needs to be taken to heart. Including foods that are good for memory on the menu and leaving aside those that have preservatives or excess (processed) fats is a way to bring more health to everyday life and benefit the brain.

Stay away from Stress: It is very important that all people perform activities that bring mental balance and well-being so this is one of the Best Tips to Protect Memory.  The more relaxing ones, such as yoga , massages , walks in the open air or even a simple music therapy session at home are ideal for maintaining the quality of life up there and the brain shielded.

Note More: Having a notebook containing emergency phone numbers (of relatives and medical services, for example), is one of the Best Tips to Protect Memory.  In addition to being important to fulfill the function of a “mobile memory”. So you don’t overload your mind trying to remember everything!

Remember Something? Do It Now:  This is one of the top Tips to Protect Memory.  Activities such as washing the dishes, taking out the trash or turning off the lights should be done when you remember, that is, never left for later, as organization is an excellent way to keep the brain calm and happy.

Get moving: Doing physical activity is one of the  Best Tips to Protect Memory : weight control, longevity, mental health, social life and, of course, disease prevention. Among them is Alzheimer’s . Scientific studies have proven that regular physical exercise can delay or even prevent the disease, in addition to many other chronic and degenerative diseases.

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