Tips on How to Finish a Nail Naturally
News of the week:
Some factors facilitate the emergence of ingrown toenails , among the most common we can mention:
– Wearing tight shoes, causing your toes to squish.
– Cut your nails the wrong way. The most common mistake is to make the side ends rounded.
– Cut the nail in excess, keeping them very small, to the point of injuring the skin.
– Anatomical variations of the nail, as in the case of curved nails.
– Traumatic nail injuries.
– Fungal nail infection (onychomycosis)
We are now going to teach you three excellent home treatments for ingrown toenails :
1. Baking Soda and Vinegar!
- Prepare a paste of baking soda with vinegar and apply it to the ingrown toenail.
- Let sit for a few minutes.
- Then rinse and dry well.
- Do this treatment twice a day.
2. Clove Oil:
- Mix 30g of cloves in 200mL of olive oil .
- Take this mixture to cook in a bain-marie for an hour.
- Let cool, strain and store in a clean, dry glass.
- Apply to the ingrown toenail twice a day.
3. Onion Juice:
- Make an Onion Juice : liquefy 1 onion with 200 mL of water and strain.
- And introduce your finger with the ingrown toenail, for a few minutes, in this juice until you soak it well.
- Let it dry.
- Do this treatment twice a day.
Useful links:
How to prevent ingrown toenails: To prevent ingrown toenails, cut them straight and never rounded, as round nails are more likely to become ingrown. Other tips for not having ingrown toenails is to wear comfortable shoes that don’t squeeze your foot too much and change your socks every day.