10 Tips on How to Fight Baby Colic
Tips on How to Fight Baby Colic without the use of medication In addition, colic is common in babies from birth, especially after 15 days, following up to three months of life, usually occurs at the same time. It rarely happens in babies over six months of age. It’s a new sensation for the baby and it hurts a lot.
The colicky cry is shrill. Note the following characteristics: the baby is restless, red-faced, grimacing, squirms and tucks his legs up to his tummy. As uncomfortable as it may seem, you need to know that it’s not a disease, it’s a natural part of growing up. So, check out now The 10 Tips on How to Fight Baby Colic:
Offer the Breast: Offer the breast is one of the best Tips on How to Fight Baby Colic. Well, most babies calm down when they receive breast milk. “The oral stimulation that results from the sucking movement is a source of satisfaction that helps to alleviate colic”. It is only advisable to offer the breast if the child has just been breastfed or if he repeatedly refuses the breast.
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Wrap Light and Soft Cloth: Wrap light and soft cloth is one of the main Tips on How to Fight Baby Colic. Because, by wrapping the baby’s body as if it were a little package, the swaddle (light and soft cloth) provides a feeling of coziness and security and reduces the child’s irritability and agitation. Another simple expedient is to distract the baby with a walk around the house, holding him on his stomach, with his tummy resting in your hands – this contact warms the abdomen and brings comfort to the touch.
Massage Baby’s Tummy: Massage Baby ‘s Tummy is a good option to fight baby’s colic. Also, when you notice the child’s discomfort, caress the baby’s belly with circular movements in a clockwise direction. “With cupped hands, slide one at a time across the child’s belly, starting from the base of the ribs towards the pubis.
Touch should exert gentle pressure.” It is also effective to exercise the puppy. “Put the baby down and slowly bend his knees so that his thighs press lightly against his belly. Then, extend your legs again and start over, as if he were pedaling. The movement can be done several times a day, not just at the time of pain.
Hot Bath: A good alternative to Combat Baby Colic is a hot bath. In addition, prepare an immersion bath by regulating the water temperature between 36ºC and 37ºC. Make sure the environment is quiet and, if possible, put on soft music playing softly.
Dim the light and talk to your child or sing to him.” The perception of a calm atmosphere around him soothes the baby , and the water at body temperature provides a sensation very close to what the child experienced in the womb. It is an experience that makes her relax and, with that, the colic subsides”.
Control Your Food: Controlling your food is one of the best tips on how to fight baby colic. Well, there is no conclusive research on the relationship between the mother’s diet and Baby Colic . However, you may want to reduce the consumption of some foods and see if it makes a difference. “Industrialized products contain dyes, preservatives and stabilizers, which sometimes make it difficult for children to digest”,
Make a compress: Making a compress is one of the main tips on how to fight baby colic. Here’s a way to make a compress: iron a diaper and place it on the baby’s belly while it is still warm, or use a thermal bag with warm water. Heat favors vasodilation, facilitates blood flow and relaxes the muscles, reducing abdominal discomfort. “Be careful to test the temperature of the fabric or bag so you don’t burn the baby ‘s delicate skin .”
Prevent Gas: Preventing Gas is a good alternative to Combat Baby Colic. Because the amount of air that the baby swallows with each feeding can cause gas and worsen colic. Therefore, it is essential to make the child burp to expel the air swallowed during breastfeeding. For little ones who don’t breastfeed, there are bottles specially designed to prevent colic.
Skin-to-Skin Contact: When lying face down on the father’s or mother’s chest, the baby can more easily expel the gases that bother him and make the colic worse. “If you can, heat the room slightly so the little one doesn’t feel cold. Take off your shirt and clothes, leaving him in just his diaper. Skin-to-skin contact soothes, while the smell and voice of mom or dad convey calm and security.”
Calm down: Calm down is a good option to Combat Baby Colic. Well, the cramps and your typical crying can last for hours. While trying to end the suffering of the little one, the mother often gets tense and doesn’t even realize it. A vicious circle then begins: the baby , oversensitive, perceives the mother’s impatience, becomes insecure and reacts by feeling more pain.
She continues with the care and, without success, goes into panic. Before losing control of the situation, it’s best to ask for help and get out of the picture. At that moment, the country can be a holy medicine , taking over until you recover. After a bath, a good meal, a few moments of silence and already composed, it will be easier to take care of the child again.
Useful links:
As a last resort, go to the Doctor: With so many advances in medicine, is there no remedy for such suffering? Yes, parents can count on children’s painkillers and antiflatulent drugs, but only those prescribed by the pediatrician and, especially, only at the time of colic. “These drugs have no preventive effect. And it is good to remember that every drug has contraindications”.