Top 10 Most Common Symptoms of Appendicitis
The appendix is an organ with variable size and location, and its proximity to other organs in the pelvis and abdomen can make the Main Symptoms of Appendicitis similar to those of other diseases. Appendix abdominal pain is often differentially diagnosed with a number of other problems of the abdomen or pelvis, including diverticulitis, ovarian torsion, ectopic pregnancy, and even kidney stones.
Top 10 Most Common Symptoms of Appendicitis
- Abdominal pain .
- Stiffening of the abdominal wall.
- seasickness
- vomiting.
- Loss of appetite.
- Fever.
- Diarrhea
- Constipation.
- Abdominal distension .
- Leukocytosis (increased number of white blood cells in the blood count).
Not all of the signs and symptoms listed above are necessarily present in patients with acute appendicitis . In fact, some of them, such as diarrhea, constipation or bloating, occur in less than half of the cases.
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Next, we will talk in more detail about each of these Top Appendicitis Symptoms , demonstrating their importance for the diagnosis of appendicitis . We will first describe the clinical picture of appendicitis in adults and then in babies, children and adolescents.
Abdominal Pain: The most typical symptom and present in practically 100% of cases of inflammation of the appendix is abdominal pain. Because abdominal pain can be caused by dozens of different problems, knowing the typical features of appendicitis pain is important for your diagnosis.
Other Appendicitis Pain Patterns: In fact, when a patient presents to the emergency department with typical appendicitis pain , few physicians have difficulty making the diagnosis. The problem occurs when the patient has an atypical pattern of pain, or when he cannot adequatelydescribe his Main Symptoms of Appendicitis .
As in the case of very young children or elderly people with dementia. Immunosuppressed patients, who do not develop exuberant inflammatory processes, may also have atypical presentations of appendicitis .
In about 15% of people, the appendix is located more posteriorly, making the location of appendicitis pain different. Instead of the typical right lower quadrant pain, the patient may complain of right lower back pain, right upper quadrant pain, or pain in the entire right flank.
Fever: Fever is not usually present in the first and Main Most Common Symptoms of Appendicitis hours of evolution, especially in children and the elderly. Some people, however, may have a low-grade fever, with temperatures around 37.5°C and 38°C.
High fever does not usually occur in cases of inflammation of the appendix , except in the most serious situations, when there is perforation of the appendix and leakage of fecal material from the intestines into the abdominal cavity, which generates an intense inflammatory reaction and severe infection.
Symptoms of Appendicitis in Children Between 5 and 12 Years: As in adults, abdominal pain and vomiting are the most common Main Symptoms of Appendicitis in school-age children, although the characteristic migration of pain from the peri-umbilical region to the quadrant lower right may not occur.
The frequency of signs and symptoms of acute appendicitis in this age group is as follows:
- Pain in the lower right quadrant of the abdomen – 82%
- Nausea – 79%
- Loss of appetite – 75%
- Vomiting – 66%
- Fever – 47%
- Diarrhea – 16%
Note Any Firmness in the Abdomen: When squeezing the belly, can your finger sink into it a little, or does the area feel strangely firm and hard? If you notice the second case, you may be bloated, another symptom of appendicitis . If you have abdominal pain but don’t have nausea or decreased appetite, you may not have appendicitis .
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There are many reasons for pain in this area that don’t need a trip to the ER. Just in case, call your doctor or make an appointment with him for any abdominal pain that lasts longer than 3 days, doing this procedure will help identify the Top Symptoms of Appendicitis.