Flaxseed and cloves to cleanse the body and reduce fat!
Flaxseed and cloves to cleanse the body and reduce fat as they are rich in nutrients that help eliminate toxins from your body and help facilitate digestion for effective weight loss . They also help to speed up metabolism naturally and fight free radical activity .
In addition, it will eliminate fat deposits, cholesterol, in short, all the “junk” that we put in our body due to bad eating habits.
Originally from Indonesia, cloves are widely used for culinary purposes, as they transfer a pleasant aroma and flavor to recipes. But he has the potential for much more than that. in addition, it is rich in nutrients and essential oils important for the body. There are many benefits of this spice.
News of the week:
Benefits of Clove with Flaxseed:
Clove is a medicinal plant, also known as clove, gyrofler or clove, widely used due to its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, healing and analgesic properties. in addition, its scientific name is Syzygium aromaticum and it can be purchased in health food stores, compounding pharmacies and some markets.
Clove is used to complement the treatment of bronchitis , cough and flu syndromes, as well as intestinal gas , inflammation of the mouth and pharynx, dental caries and otitis.
The other ingredient is flaxseed , which explains the slimming action are the fibers , responsible for providing a feeling of satiety and also helping to reduce the absorption of fat.
The benefits of flaxseed include the defense of the organism and the delay of the aging of the cells, allowing to keep the skin always beautiful. In addition, this seed is the richest source of omega 3 existing in nature and its use provides health maintenance and a better quality of life.
Flaxseed and cloves to cleanse the body and reduce fat
– 100 grams of flaxseeds .
– 10 grams of cloves .
Preparation mode:
- All you have to do is grind the ingredients in a blender or food processor until you get a powder.
- Then take 2 tablespoons of this powder every morning for three days.
- You can mix the powder in water, juice or smoothies.
- After the three days, you also take a three-day break and start all over again.
- Repeat the process for 30 days.
Useful links:
Ideally, do this cleaning process three or four times a year.