10 things that happen in the 18th week of pregnancy!
The things that happen in the 18th week of pregnancy that many women are not aware of, so it is important to be aware of everything. Also, at 18 weeks pregnant, you are almost halfway through your pregnancy.
As your body constantly changes along with your baby, you need to adapt and know everything that is in front of you during this time. Watch The Things That Happen in the 18th Week of Pregnancy
What happens at the 18th week of pregnancy:
1. Changes in your body:
What happens in the 18th week of pregnancy ? Well, your baby has probably grown, and by the second trimester, you should be striving to gain a few pounds a month. Also, when you are 18 weeks pregnant, your baby will become more active, which will lead to butterflies or gas bubbles that you feel in your stomach .
News of the week:
These bubbles or butterflies are your baby’s first movements that happen in the 18th week of pregnancy are also called “acceleration”. Soon, your baby will start producing these gentle kicks and stretches in your tummy.
2. Your growing baby:
In this period of pregnancy, what happens in the 18th week of pregnancy is the baby is the size of a bell pepper . More precisely, it is approximately 5 ½ inches long and weighs about 7 ounces. Your baby develops something new during pregnancy week by week. During this week, your baby will develop ears and they will come out of his head. Also, starting this week, your baby will hear your voice and it’s a great time to start talking to your growing belly.
Baby’s eyes will now be facing forward and will be able to detect light. In addition to developing ears and improving eyes, the baby’s nervous system also improves at an 18th week. Now, your baby’s nerves will be covered by the substance called myelin , whose purpose is to carry messages from one cell to another.
During this week, you may have an ultrasound, and if the baby cooperates, the doctor will be able to determine the baby’s sex.
3. Symptoms:
If your pregnancy has been smooth so far, some symptoms may also be mild this week. You may even feel your energy level increased, although some women also experience fatigue. This varies from person to person. As you experience different symptoms during your pregnancy week by week, here’s what you can expect at week 18:
4. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome:
A common occurrence in many pregnant women. This syndrome is caused by a pinched nerve in the wrist, and the result is numbness, tingling, and pain in the hand or an entire arm. If you feel this pain, you are not alone. 62% of women report having carpal tunnel syndrome. The good news is; this syndrome disappears after childbirth.
5. Various body aches:
What happens in the 18th week of pregnancy you may experience various pains in the second trimester of pregnancy, such as pain in your thigh, groin, or back. This is due to changes in your body that occur as your baby grows. Your uterus starts to expand, which causes body aches.
The best way to alleviate this is to ask your partner, husband or family member and friend for a nice massage. You can also apply hot or cold compresses. Also, getting leg cramps at night is also quite common. To solve this problem, try stretching your legs before bed, or even doing some exercise or just walking during the day.
6. Other symptoms:
Heartburn , gas, frequent urination, or bloating may also continue this week. You may also experience gum problems, nasal problems, and dizziness .
7. Skin care:
Before we start discussing various skin problems that you may have during this period, we should first discuss safe skin care and what are the best skin care products for pregnant women.
When you are pregnant, what happens in the 18th week of pregnancy is that you eat a lot and what you eat can apply to your skin can have a positive or negative impact on your baby. Therefore, before purchasing various skin care products, make sure that the ingredients do not harm the fetus.
8. Best to avoid:
This powerful substance can be found in face creams, body lotions and moisturizers, etc. They are generally safe to use and beneficial to the skin. However, while you are pregnant, it would be best to stay away from them, as some studies have revealed that higher levels of vitamin A can harm your child.
Salicylic acid:
It is usually an ingredient in cleaning products and toners. Although oral consumption is extremely harmful to children, its topical application once or twice a day in the form of toner is considered safe. However, using facial peels that contain salicylic acid is a no-no, as it’s the same as taking another aspirin, according to experts.
9. Safe to use:
Soy skin care products are used as an alternative to items that contain a lot of chemicals. Soy products are considered safe, but if you have darker skin or melasma, consider asking your doctor for advice.
Acne products:
Pregnancy is sometimes characterized by acne breakouts . To make them disappear, you can use over-the-counter cleaning products or toners. As seen above, applying salicylic acid twice a day is considered safe (as long as it’s not a facial peel).
Hair removers:
They are considered safe as long as you follow the instructions. Sunscreens – According to many experts, sunscreens (even those that contain products that penetrate the skin) are considered safe.
Yes, you can also wear makeup during pregnancy as long as it does not contain salicylic acid or retinoids.
Ideally, the best skin care products for pregnant women are those that do not contain alcohol, various chemicals and substances. You should strive to use makeup and skin care products made from natural ingredients. Also, as it is recommended not to dye your hair during pregnancy, you can consider henna bricks as they dye your hair but do not contain harmful chemicals.
10. Skin change during pregnancy:
When you are pregnant, what happens at the 18th week of pregnancy is your skin changes and you may have some problems at the 18th week. Some of them are:
- Acne;
- Linea Nigra: Pregnancy stripes, especially at least one dark, vertical line that runs from your belly button to your pubic area. Before you start to worry, you should know that the line will start to fade as soon as you give birth to your baby.
- Skin Tags: They can appear on your torso, neck, armpits, etc. However, to solve this problem, you will have to wait until the baby is born.
- Heat rash, itching, redness etc: To prevent this from happening, wear comfortable clothes made of natural materials, such as itching and rash due to friction when wearing too tight clothing.
Home remedies for skin problems:
While you are pregnant, what happens in the 18th week of pregnancy you are trying to avoid products whose ingredients could harm your baby. Some home remedies can help treat your skin problems. For example:
You can solve this problem with aloe vera gel , mixing almond powder, turmeric and milk, or dipping lemon in turmeric. Regardless of the method, all you have to do is apply it and rinse it off within 10 minutes.
Stretch marks:
Once again, aloe vera gel works perfectly on the affected areas.
Dry skin:
Make your own massage oil with 10 drops of sandalwood and geranium oil, 5 drops of rose water and ylang-ylang oil and combine them with 50 ml of sesame oil and 10 ml of wheat germ oil .
What to eat in the 18th week of pregnancy:
To maintain a healthy weight and ensure your baby receives only healthy nutrients, vitamins and minerals, you should be careful about what you eat in your 18th week of pregnancy.
Ideally, a well-balanced diet includes fruits, vegetables, carbohydrates, protein, dairy, and omega-3 fatty acids . Before assuming that omega-3 fatty acids will affect your baby’s health in a negative way, you should know that these fatty acids are extremely important for your baby’s brain development.
Pregnancy fatigue:
While some women experience increased energy levels, there are also women who experience fatigue during the 18th week of pregnancy. Here’s how to beat pregnancy fatigue :
- Take a deep nap;
- Going out for a walk;
- Adjust your schedule and make sure you’re not overcommitted;
- Listen to music with faster beats;
- Drink a lot of water;
- Be sure to eat foods rich in iron, as fatigue often results from iron deficiency.
- Exercise, there are many classes and gyms with special pregnancy programs where you do exercises that will benefit you and your baby, etc.
Baby moisturizer:
It is crucial to hydrate the belly. As your belly grows, what happens in the 18th week of pregnancy is the appearance of stretch marks become more frequent and visible. Baby lap hydration will reduce their intensity and they will appear at a slower rate. Of course, make sure you are using a moisturizer that is safe for your baby.
beauty tips:
Being 18 weeks pregnant doesn’t mean you shouldn’t pay attention to increasing your beauty. This is particularly important now, because you already have that healthy pregnancy glow. Many women avoid and completely abandon their beauty regimens mainly because they feel they will harm their baby. Here are some beauty tips you should use at week 18 or during your pregnancy week by week to improve your glowing complexion:
- Stay hydrated;
- Hydrate;
- Use soft shampoos that will be gentle on the scalp and prevent hair loss ;
- Sunscreen;
- Use coconut oil to nourish the skin (or almond oil and shea butter);
- Use organic eye serum;
- Put lavender oil on your wrists as a drug-free sleep aid.
Useful links:
As the pregnancy progresses week by week, your body changes along with the baby. You should ensure that by week 18, you eat healthy foods, stay energized, and take a nap. Also, don’t forget to take care of your skin and remember that the best skin care products for pregnant women are the ones that are made from natural ingredients and do not contain retinoids .