The 8 risk factors that can lead to diabetes

Risk Factors That Can Cause Diabetes  Diabetes  is a serious disease that requires special care and is the third leading cause of death in the world . But there is a way to deal with it calmly. In this sense, prevention, control and information are the best ways to do so. Diabetes is a serious disease that requires special care and is the third leading cause of death in the world . Misinformation, together with the worst of modern life, a sedentary lifestyle and bad eating habits, is largely responsible for the worsening of diabetes . However, by adopting a healthy lifestyle it is possible to control and even avoid the disease.

Heredity is one of the Risk Factors that can lead to diabetes , especially if it is type 1, in which the patient is born with abnormal genes inherited from at least one of his parents. In type 2, heredity may be present, but what triggers its development are habits maintained throughout life. The disease can affect anyone, but those most at risk are those who have the following factors:

  • Age over 45 years;
  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Hypertension;
  • Obesity or overweight (CML above 25);
  • High levels of cholesterol or triglycerides;
  • Women with polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • Women who have already had gestational diabetes;
  • Babies born over 4kg.

At the Limit:  If you go to the doctor and are calm when the blood glucose test indicates the rate at the limit, it is better to change your mind and be even more attentive to your lifestyle and to performing tests periodically. Blood glucose in the limit values ​​indicates the pre-diabetes phase, in which the risk of having problems is already high.

According to the Brazilian Diabetes Society, the term pre-diabetes is used to identify people who are at potential risk of developing the disease. It is the intermediate state between normal blood glucose and type 2 diabetes in adults. Identify yourself when the value of the fasting glucose test is between 100 and 125mg/dl and when the rate of oral glucose overload is between 140 and 199mg/dl.

The most important thing is to know that not every pre-diabetic person will develop the disease, but it is necessary to be aware and change life habits. Adopting a balanced diet and regular physical activity helps prevent or delay the onset of diabetes . Therefore, it is essential that pre-diabetics know the impacts of the disease and learn how to prevent it. For those who are overweight, which is also one of the Risk Factors that Can Lead to Diabetes , the first step is to lose weight, and to achieve this goal, the ideal is to start treatment with a multidisciplinary team, made up of nutritionists, endocrinologists and psychologists. , especially in the case of obese people.

About 12% of the Brazilian population is in the pre-diabetes state. If proper care is not taken, within 10 years the disease sets in. According to endocrinologists, the loss of 5% to 7% of body weight already makes a difference in prevention. According to a study by the American Diabetes Association, pre-diabetics who start to control their blood glucose through good habits reduce the risk of developing the disease by 56% in up to seven years. Early Prevention:  Blood glucose testing is essential from the age of 30 and must be respected every year. If the patient has a family history of the disease or other risk factors , the doctor may request the exam earlier, in routine consultations, even in childhood.

Glycemic Curve Test:  The oral glucose load test is also called a glucose curve test, and is done to check your blood glucose after drinking a sugary liquid. Glucose is measured in four different steps: fasting and one, two and three hours after drinking the liquid.

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