The 8 Health Benefits of Breu Branco

The Benefits of Breu Branco for Health are diverse, as there are more than 800 tropical species of rosin. In addition, the Breu Branco comes from a resin exuded from the trunk of Amazonian trees or from areas of cerrado. It belongs to the Burseraceae family and is therefore a relative of frankincense. The Breu Branco , or true pitch, is the most common and the most used. the treesare medium-sized, between 20 and 30 meters, grow in areas of dry land, in sandy/clay soil and abundant in organic matter. Its wood is used in civil construction and in the manufacture of various objects and furniture. Its numerous flowers are cream-colored and its fruits, which measure between 1 and 1.5 cm in diameter, vary between greenish, yellow and dark red.

The fruits are very aromatic and much appreciated by the people of the forest. The Breu Branco produces the resin as a defense reaction after the attack of an insect that deposits its larvae under the bark of the tree. This resin is manually collected by the local population, under the tree or on the trunk, due to its different uses.

Depending on the region, the species can be different, originating resins and essential oils with very different chemical constitution. The denominations of  Breu Branco  or “preto” are simply related to the color of the resin, which can vary from tree to tree or also according to the species. Check out the 8 Health Benefits of Breu Branco:

Benefits of Breu Branco for the Treatment of Wounds and Infections: It has been more than proven that Breu Branco has a resin that works as an anti-inflammatory and healing analgesic, which is why Breu Branco is widely used for the treatment of wounds, helping in the deinflammation and healing process .

Benefits of Breu Branco for Diarrhea Treatment: Almecegueira leaves have the well-known “ Breu Branco “, which are highly used for the treatment of diarrhea, due to their great nutrients full of digestive enzymes that help in the better functioning of the body.

Benefits of Breu Branco in Popular Medicine: In folk medicine, it is indicated for asthma, bronchitis , sinusitis, rhinitis, stomach pains, liver malfunction, memory problems, epilepsy, stress; strengthens the central nervous system; is cellular oxygenator; helps with concentration; in motor coordination; and calms agitated states.

Benefits of Breu Branco to Stimulate the Brain: There are several reports of people who, after using the Breu Branco , came into contact with a state of regression and with information hitherto hidden in their memories. On the subtle plane, the White Pitch works in the unconscious, in dreams and in the mystical region of the brain .

Benefits of Breu Branco for Skin: The extract of the bark of Breu Branco (Protium heptaphyllum) has good potential as a sunscreen, for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities, which help to prevent sunburn and skin cancer .

Benefits of Pitch For General Health of the Body: Due to the properties mentioned above, it is widely used in the fight against headaches and muscle pain, inflammatory diseases such as arthritis, sinusitis, bronchitis, rheumatism; as a healing agent, it is widely used in inflammation resulting from insect bites. It is also widely used in smokes or in creams/lotions, as a repellent.

Benefits of Breu Branco for Weight Loss: Research projects carried out experiments in obese mice and observed a considerable weight reduction after the use of substances present in Breu Branco . The study consists of isolating a substance from Breu Branco . A resin that is born from the heart of the trunk of a tree in the Amazon rainforest, which is capable of inhibiting digestive enzymes.

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