The 7 Tips on How to Improve Your Food Reeducation

The secret may lie in changing the concept of diet for food reeducation. Diet is a restriction It can be sodium, in the case of a patient with high blood pressure, or sugar, for those with diabetes. It can also be a calorie restriction for weight loss . The diet has a beginning and an end, unlike food reeducation, which aims not only at weight loss, but also at weight maintenance.

Food reeducation adapts better to the person’s routine and preferences, making it easier to adhere to treatment, explains nutritionist Ana Raquel Buscar. Nobody is saying that dieting is a mistake, however, it is necessary to understand food reeducation as something bigger, which includes not only harmful habits at the table. With her help, weight loss will come and, even better, with good health.

Assemble colorful dishes: different foods will Improve Your Food Reeducation colors carry different nutrients. As lycopene, responsible for the red of tomatoes, guava and watermelon, works against degenerative diseases and cancer, while beta-carotene, present in oranges and carrots, helps in the production of vitamin A strengthens the immune system .

Don’t eat while watching television: you need to concentrate on the act of eating. Those who do not take their eyes off the screen while eating should know that, thus, the body takes time to realize that it is already satisfied. The result? You eat more than you’d like, but you only realize it too late.

Choose wholegrain products :  One of the main tips to improve your Food Reeducation  is that refined versions of sugar or flour may even seem tastier. The problem is that, in the chemical process of refining, most of the nutrients are gone, leaving empty calories.

Moderate in salt: no one is prevented from seasoning the salad . The problem lies in the amount of salt used. The World Health Organization (WHO) indicates less than 5g per day, which is less than 1 level teaspoon or less than 5 packets that canned and embedded foods already contain large amounts of salt , which works as a preservative.

Read the label: don’t be alarmed if, at first, it seems too complicated to look up the ingredients of your favorite product. Over time, it will become a habit and knowing what you are eating is critical. In the packaging, the ingredients of the product always appear according to the quantity, in descending order.

Eat every three hours: it’s not going long periods without eating anything that you will lose weight. Long intervals between meals slow down the metabolism, which will impair the absorption of carbohydrates, which will be deposited in the form of fat. Between breakfast , lunch and dinner, have small snacks.

Useful links: 

Exercise: The human body was made to be in constant motion. Physical activity will burn calories and release pleasurable substances into the circulation, helping to deal even with stress. This is the most important tip to  Improve Your Food Reeducation.

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