The 6 Tips to Start a Food Reeducation

The 6 Tips to Start a Healthy and 100% Natural Food Reeducation . In addition, including cabbage in the menu is also important to balance meals. That cabbage  is good for health, you must have already proven in some previous articles. However, only the vegetable is not capable of working miracles, so it needs to be part of a balanced diet.

For this, adopting a food reduction is the most appropriate. It is a gradual process of building new habits and raising awareness of what is good and bad for the body, always with the aim of acquiring healthier habits. So, check out  the 6 Tips to Start a Food Reeducation:

The Ideal Meal:  Build your plate by combining different nutrients so that the body doesn’t miss any of them and doesn’t get weakened by the excess of others. Do it as follows:

Vegetables, Vegetables and Fruits: sources of fiber, vitamins and minerals, they are foods that stimulate the proper functioning of the intestine, act in the formation of bones and regulate metabolism, among other functions. They should take up half the plate.

Rice, Potato, Cassava and Pasta: are examples of carbohydrates, the greatest sources of energy for the body. It is recommended not to consume more than one of them in the same meal, occupying ¼ of the plate. In the case of rice and pasta, prefer wholegrain versions, which are more nutritious.

Meat, Eggs and Cheese: make up the group of proteins, indispensable for providing important amino acids for the formation and maintenance of tissues, occupying the remaining ¼ of the plate. Never leave out chicken and fish (preferably grilled) and choose whiter cheeses, such as cottage , ricotta and Minas cheese.

The secret to including red meat in a healthy diet is to choose lean cuts, remove the apparent fat, prepare it without adding fat and do not overdo the portion. Red meat should be consumed 3 and 4 times a week.

In Daily Life:  Now that you know what to put on your plate, how about adopting other good eating habits as well? Chew your food well because in smaller pieces, they are better digested when they reach your stomach. Another advantage is that eating slowly makes it easier to control your appetite, so this is one of the  Tips for Starting a Food Reeducation .

During chewing, substances are released that will signal to the brain that you are eating. This organ, in turn, releases another agent that will signal that you are getting satisfied. When you chew fast, you don’t have time for this signaling to occur between your stomach and brain.

Don’t go more than three hours without eating, one of the most important Tips for Starting a Food Reeducation . After this time, the metabolism slows down, facilitating the accumulation of abdominal fat, not to mention that, later, you are more vulnerable to attacks of gluttony in front of food. So have small snacks between breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Always keep an eye on the amount of salt, as over time the taste gets used to it and requires larger amounts. Too much of this ingredient makes the blood thicker, resulting in high blood pressure and other cardiovascular problems. An alternative is to replace it with spices such as oregano , thyme , basil or rosemary .

If salt can already be dangerous, the same can be said of sugar. In addition to being very caloric, it is still capable of impairing the absorption of other nutrients, causes stomach acidity and leads to the appearance of dental cavities. So, switch to sweeteners – the best ones are those made from the stevia plant, as they are natural.

It’s Time to Move:  Running, swimming , cycling, weight training, dancing… It doesn’t matter which one, but at least one physical activity practiced periodically is vital to burn excess calories, as it is essential to be among the Tips to Start a Food Reeducation .

In addition to physical fitness, sport is also good for the mind, as it favors the release of serotonin, the hormone that induces relaxation and well-being. Do some tests beforehand to confirm that there are no limitations for health reasons and look for a physical educator to set up a suitable exercise worksheet.

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