The 5 Best Detox Foods to Lose Weight!
Pineapple: has a lot of bromelain, an enzyme capable of breaking down food proteins. In addition, it has a good amount of soluble fibers , other allies of the digestive process.
News of the week:
Cabbage: it is a source of a phytochemical called glucosinolate, which stimulates the body to cleanse, eliminating substances that can cause diseases and toxins that remain in fat cells.
Lemon: it can be used in its entirety as the peel has a substance called d-limonene, which has the ability to easily penetrate the tissues and cells of the body, acting as a powerful solvent.
Watermelon: the concentration of water present in watermelon helps to satiate and cleanse (with diuretic action) the body. Combined with low calories, the fruit contributes to weight loss.
Melon: With a large amount of Fiber , Melon has a high water content. Combined with the action of Potassium and slightly laxative of Magnesium , it favors good intestinal functioning.
Useful links:
Yerba Mil Folhas: It is a powerful detoxifier, digestive, diuretic and anti-inflammatory. It is also used in the treatment of liver and gallbladder problems, pain and fevers in general.