The 20 Health Benefits of Coconut Water

The Benefits of Coconut Water are diverse, as it has a large amount of essential nutrients for the general health of the body. Furthermore, The Elixir of the Tropics, Coconut Water , has seen a sudden rise in its popularity. An alternative to carbonated drinks and sports drinks, it’s low in calories and totally refreshing! But, did you know that your favorite drink has some really amazing benefits to offer? From skin to hair, coconut water works for everythingThere is not enough information available about the impact of coconut water on pregnant and lactating women. While it is likely to be safe, a doctor should be consulted before adding it to your diet.

Coconut water lowers blood pressure, and it may interact with certain medications. Those using blood pressure control medications should consult their physician about using coconut water , and those scheduled for surgery should avoid it altogether. So, check out  The Health Benefits of Coconut Water.

The 20 Health Benefits of Coconut Water!

Benefits of Coconut Water To Promote Cardiovascular Health: For a healthy heart, you need to eat nutritious food and exercise regularly. Coconut water , preferably fresh, can be drunk once a day to improve cardiovascular health. Studies have shown that coconut water can reduce the risk of heart attacks, lower blood pressure and hypertension.

Caution: Coconut water can be low in calories, but coconut can contain around 5 g of sugar . Therefore, drinking a lot of coconut water is not recommended.

Benefits of Coconut Water for Improved Metabolism:  You probably know that improved metabolism means more calorie burning. While there can be a number of things that slow down your metabolism, coconut water is not one of them. In fact, it can give your metabolism a boost.

Why It Works:  One of the essential things needed for proper metabolism of carbohydrates and fats into energy is manganese . That’s why coconut water , a good source of manganese , helps improve metabolism.

Benefits of Coconut Water To Prevent Kidney Stones:  One of the most effective health benefits of coconut water is the prevention of kidney stones. Kidney stones can happen due to a number of factors. They can cause a lot of pain, and can result in serious health problems. Drinking coconut water can help prevent them.

Why It Works:  Kidney stones occur when there is a buildup of crystals in your kidneys that should have been released through your urine. Research has shown that coconut water reduces the amount of crystals that are deposited in the kidneys, which significantly reduces the occurrence of kidney stones.

Benefits of Coconut Water To Aids Digestion:  It is common knowledge that fiber intake is essential for your digestive system to function properly. Coconut water is rich in fiber, which is why it helps your digestive system.

Why It Works: The water that a single coconut produces has about 9% of the amount of fiber your body requires in a single day.

Benefits of Coconut Water For Dehydration:  Dehydration occurs when the water content in your body drops. It is usually a result of not drinking enough water, or losing water through excretion. Coconut water keeps you hydrated, which is why a lot of athletes use it as a post-workout drink.

Why It Works:  When you’re dehydrated, you don’t just lose water , you lose essential salts and nutrients as well. Coconut water , which has a high water content and is rich in nutrients, helps replenish your body.

Benefits of Coconut Water for Relieves Muscle Cramps: Muscle  cramps can happen due to a number of reasons, and coconut water helps relieve discomfort.

Why It Works:  According to studies, potassium deficiency can result in muscle spasms. A potassium-rich diet ensures that your muscles remain in perfect order.

Excessive exercise can also cause muscle cramps, which can be relieved by consuming electrolytes. Coconut water , which replenishes lost water and potassium, can be a perfect replacement for any energy drink.

Benefits of Coconut Water for Strengthening Bones:  Although our bones are mainly composed of calcium , we need a number of nutrients to maintain bone strength and density.

Why It Works:  There have been several studies that have tried to find the impact of coconut water on bones. The results were favorable. Coconut water contains a significant amount of calcium , which is necessary for healthy bones. It also has magnesium which builds bone strength.

Benefits of Coconut Water to Reduce Bloating:  Bloating is usually gas related. But it can also be caused due to high sodium intake, which coconut water can reduce.

Why It Works:  Coconut contains a lot of potassium , which helps to counteract the effects of sodium .

Benefits of Coconut Water To Help You Lose Weight: Weight  loss is one of the most amazing benefits of drinking coconut water . Consuming empty calories is one of the main reasons you tend to be overweight. Carbonated drinks and other sugary drinks can provide a calorie stack and leave you feeling hungry. If you’re looking for an alternative, coconut water is a great substitute.

Why It Works:  Coconut water is not high in sugar and is a good source of dietary fiber. Fiber is not digested by your body, so it stays in your system longer and keeps you feeling fuller. That’s why you get hungry less often, and eat less.

Benefits of Coconut Water For Diabetes Help:  Wondering if diabetics can enjoy this sweet and delicious drink? Research says yes, absolutely!

Why It Works:  Some studies have concluded that ripe coconut water may have an anti-diabetic effect. Diabetics are very susceptible to excessive blood clotting, which puts them at risk. Not only does coconut water help lower blood sugar, but it also prevents blood clots from occurring.

Caution:  With coconut water intake , diabetics should monitor their blood sugar for signs of hypoglycemia.

Benefits of Coconut Water to Lower Blood Pressure:  Coconut water hasa direct effect on blood pressure. Studies have shown that it can help in lowering blood pressure and hypertension. It also lowers cholesterol and prevents blood clots.

Why It Works:  Coconut water exhibits antithrombotic effects, meaning it helps prevent blood clots. It also lowers cholesterol, which can have a huge impact on blood pressure by clogging your arteries.

Benefits of Coconut Water For Moisturizing Skin : The key to healthy skin is proper hydration. The sun, pollution, and harsh soaps can strip your skin of its natural moisture, and leave it dry. Applying coconut water is a great way to hydrate your skin .

How to use:  A face mask made from coconut water and lemon juice can be the perfect non-greasy way to infuse your skin with some much-needed moisture.

What do you need:

  • 2 tablespoons of coconut water
  • ½ teaspoon of lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon of honey (optional)

What do you have to do:

  • Put the coconut water in a bowl, and add the lemon juice . If the skin is dry, add honey. Stir to combine all ingredients.
  • Soak a couple of cotton balls in the mixture, and massage into your skin using gentle circular motions.
  • Keep it on for 30 minutes and then rinse with cold water.

How Often Should You Do It:  This face mask can be used every other day.

Why It Works: Coconut water is a great moisturizer for every skin type. It’s light, so it moisturizes the skin without making it greasy.

Caution:  Lemon juice can dry out your skin, so be sure to adjust the amount according to your skin type. But, those with normal or dry skin should use smaller amounts of lemon juice , and add honey to the mask for an extra boost of moisture.

Benefits of Coconut Water To Reduce Signs of Aging:  Wrinkles, fine lines and age spots are bound to appear as your skin ages. But with proper care, these signs of aging can be put off. If you are looking for a surefire way to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, you can use coconut water as a try.

How to use:  Mature skin tends to be dry. The potent combination of coconut water and yogurt exfoliates and hydrates the skin , and reduces the signs of aging.

What do you need:

  • 1 tablespoon of coconut water
  • 2 tablespoons of natural yogurt

What do you have to do:

  • Place the yogurt in a bowl. Add the coconut water , and stir until the ingredients are combined.
  • Using a brush, apply the paste to your face.
  • Keep it for 15 minutes and rinse with cold water.

How often should you do this:  You can use this on your face once or twice a week.

Why It Works: Coconut water contains cytokines that help promote cell growth. This helps your skin to repair faster as well as reduce the damage that has been done. Yogurt has lactic acid, a gentle but effective exfoliant. It helps improve the appearance of your skin by removing dead cells and hydrating it, leaving it smooth and supple.

Benefits of Coconut Water to Help Reduce Pigmentation:  There may be a number of products on the market that claim to reduce pigmentation, but they are either ineffective or full of harmful chemicals. If you’re looking for a natural alternative, coconut water can help with blemishes and discolored skin.

How to use: Coconut water , when used with fuller’s earth, can help reduce pigmentation.

What do you need:

  • 1 tablespoon fuller’s earth
  • 1 ½ tablespoons of coconut water

What do you have to do:

  • Combine Fuller’s earth and coconut water to make a fine paste.
  • Apply the paste on the pigmented areas, or all over your face.
  • Keep for 15 minutes and rinse with cold water.

How Often Should You Do It:  This paste can be used once or twice a week.

Why it works:  Research has shown that vitamin C can help remove pigmentation. That’s why coconut water , which is a naturally rich source of vitamin C , works well in reducing tan and blemishes.

Benefits of Coconut Water for Treating Skin Infections:  Your skin is always susceptible to bacteria and fungi, and they can cause skin infections that can result in a rash or irritated skin. Coconut water can help you to prevent and treat them.

How to use:  Topical application of coconut water over the infected area can help reduce symptoms and treat the infection.

Why It Works: Soft coconut water has antibacterial, antifungal, and antiparasitic properties, which is why its topical application helps treat skin infections.

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