The 17 Health Benefits of Sesame Seeds

Sesame seeds provide many health benefits, especially due to their richness in fiber, which is why they can be added to meals such as salads or soups to lower cholesterol and treat constipation . In addition, Sesame is one of the oldest plants cultivated by man. Its country of origin is uncertain, but some studies show its location between Asia and Africa.

In Egypt, for example, in the time of the pharaohs, sesame was used to obtain oil, the empires between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers cultivated sesame commercially and the orientals considered the seeds almost sacred. The seed arrived in Brazil by the Portuguese in the 16th century, from there it was traditionally cultivated as a “farm background culture”. Grain was consumed at the farm level, and there were rare surpluses for commercialization.

Sesame seed is an extremely tasty and beneficial food for the human body, but it is still little consumed in Brazil. Furthermore, the many health benefits of sesame seeds are due to its nutritional content, including vitamins, minerals, natural oils, and organic compounds consisting of Calcium , Iron , Magnesium , Phosphorus , Manganese , Copper , Zinc , fiber. , Thiamine , Vitamin B6 , folate , protein and tryptophan. So, check out the 17 Health Benefits of Sesame Seeds .

Benefits of Sesame Seeds for Arthritis: Sesame seeds are rich in copper, which has anti-inflammatory properties, relieving pain in joints, bones, muscles and decreasing pain caused by arthritis. Copper is still known to strengthen blood vessels and improve circulation.

Benefits of Sesame Seeds for Headaches and Migraines: Those who suffer from migraines frequently can use sesame seeds to lessen the pain. The magnesium present in sesame prevents blood vessel spasms that trigger migraine attacks. Calcium, on the other hand, prevents migraines and headaches in general.

Benefits of Sesame Seeds in Weight Loss: The benefits of Sesame Seeds in weight loss are extremely effective as they help to decrease appetite and increase satiety by smoothing the absorption of carbohydrates. In addition, sesame will also facilitate digestion bringing a feeling of comfort in the body.

Benefits of Sesame Seeds in Fighting Cancer: Sesame seeds help in preventing and fighting various types of cancer. Studies have shown that it is effective in some types of cancer, as well as lung cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, and pancreatic cancer. This is because of the high content of antioxidants present in Sesame Seeds , These oxidants help fight free radicals, they are the main culprits.

Benefits of Sesame Seeds for Blood Pressure: Studies show that consumption of sesame seeds helps reduce hypertension and prevents heart disease in general. Magnesium present in seeds is a famous ally of hypertensive patients and just a handful of seeds provides 25% of the magnesium needed in a day. Additionally, a study published in the Yale Journal of Biological Medicine in 2006 showed that replacing other oils with sesame oil lowers both diastolic and systolic blood pressure, as well as decreasing lipid peroxidation (body rancidity).

Sesame Seed Decreases Anxiety: Yes, sesame seed still has minerals that help relieve anxiety and stress like magnesium and calcium . The vitamins thiamine and tryptophan, also present in sesame , help produce serotonin – the famous happiness hormone.

Sesame Seed is rich in antioxidants: Sesame Seeds prevent premature aging and are able to prevent some diseases as well, in addition to fighting free radicals, which damage the proper functioning of cells.

Sesame seeds are rich in good fats: One tablespoon (approximately 10g) of sesame seeds contains about 5g of fat. of this, 84% are the so-called good ones (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated), very important for heart health.

Sesame Seeds Prevent Early Aging: The same antioxidants that prevent cancer also slow down skin aging. They prevent the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays, which include wrinkles and skin pigmentation. In addition, zinc helps to produce collagen, giving more elasticity to the skin and helping to repair the body’s tissues in general. The seeds are also rich in vitamin B, which keeps hair, skin and eyes healthy and beautiful.

The health benefits of sesame seeds

  • The seeds have a lot of fiber, which is essential for healthy digestion, preventing constipation, diarrhea and keeping the colon healthy.
  • Sesame seeds help in preventing cardiovascular diseases. because they are rich in unsaturated fats, it is ideal for reducing risk factors and protecting the heart.
  • Sesame seeds are also quite effective beneficially for diabetes. Because, they are rich in fiber that help regulate blood glucose concentration.
  • Benefits of Sesame Seeds for Liver Diseases, The active principles of these seeds help to control the accumulation of fats in the liver and to detoxify it.
  • Benefits of Sesame Seeds for Kidney Diseases, These seeds provide potassium to the body, which favors the production of urine and increases urination.

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