The 15 Health Side Effects of Caffeine

Caffeine Health Side Effects are varied, moreover Caffeine is well known as an instant energy booster, helps people fight drowsiness . Some consume Caffeine only for leisure and relaxation, while others use Caffeine  for medical purposes in order to revitalize physical energy and increase alertness.

There is a lingering controversy on Planet Earth regarding whether consumption of Caffeine  is harmful to our health or is it friendly.

Although Caffeine refreshes the mind and other parts of the body, it still has many side effects, it is risky to consume Caffeine in larger amounts as it is addictive in nature. Widely experienced side effects of Caffeine include dehydration , excessive production of urine leading to dehydration, stomach upset, nausea , increased blood pressure, depression , restlessness, increased heart rate leading to death, increased body weight , fever and the list goes on. so. So check out the 15 Caffeine Side Effects for Health here:

Caffeine Side Effects Can Cause Anxiety:  Anxiety is a disorder that leads to nervousness . Excessive consumption of Caffeine causes this physical disorder, if a person faces this disorder he becomes restless very easily, he can become tense in normal situations.

Caffeine makes such conditions worse, so one should be very cautious if experiencing these symptoms.

Stomach Disorders:  The acids in  Caffeine  stimulate the stomach to produce more acid, which in turn creates acidity. In this way, too much caffeine consumptioncan lead to stomach disorders . People who suffer from nervousness and anxiety face more stomach problems with caffeine  than those who are healthy without any problems

Caffeine Side Effects Can Cause Insomnia:  Insomnia is basically a sleep difficulty, as people who consume  caffeine within the prescribed limit do not experience this symptom. But, if heavy users try to remove Caffeine from their diet, then they certainly face this insomnia problem .

Insomnia is a symptom of caffeine withdrawal  that is combined with other physical problems such as increased fatigue and headache. Irritability, dizziness , tiredness, stuffy nose are other more common side effects of Caffeine .

Caffeine Side Effects May Cause Risks in Pregnancy:  Pregnant women who consume caffeine should be very careful as excessive caffeine intake can lead to mishaps such as miscarriage and other problems before birth. Nursing mothers should not consume more than 2 cups of caffeine a day as it directly affects the baby by causing sleep disturbances and other physical irritations.

Caffeine Side Effects Can Cause Impatience:  Caffeinestrongly encourages the release of adrenaline , which is responsible for the survival mechanism that alerts us in times of danger. Adrenaline makes us very attentive, but in return it sends signals of nervousness, tremors and agitation; which results in impatience.

Side Effects of Caffeine May Cause Blood Pressure to Increase:  People who are already high blood pressure should be cautious about the amount of caffeine consumption . Situations can worsen if the intake of these patients is an excessive amount of Caffeine .

Caffeine Side Effects Can Cause Obesity:  Excess weight is one of the prominent side effects of Caffeine . This drug can activate hyperglycemia , Caffeine  also increases the stress level and stress hormone level within the body which leads to excessive hunger.

Caffeine Side Effects Can Cause Menstrual Problems:  Caffeinehas the power to worsen the normal menstrual cycle , thus women face menstrual problems due to Caffeine present in their daily diet.

Side Effects of Caffeine Can Cause Urinary Incontinence:  Caffeine increasesthe chances of this disorder in women. It is a bladder disorder in which the person loses control, Caffeine  results in the sudden loss of urine whenever the woman laughs, coughs or sneezes. Sometimes it is so strong that the woman cannot make it to the bathroom in time. Excessive consumption of Caffeine increases the amount of urine inside the body.

Caffeine Side Effects Can Cause Headaches:  People who drink too much Caffeine may start experiencing headaches due to the side effects of brain stimulation. Pain can have varying levels of intensity and can easily be confused with other health problems.

Caffeine Side Effects Can Cause Muscle Tremors:  Many people experience body tremors or jitters after ingesting  Caffeine , which results from over-stimulation of the nervous system. People who stop consuming Caffeine after a long dependence may experience hot flashes and altered mood states.

Caffeine Side Effects Can Cause Chest Lumps:  People who drink too much caffeine can develop painful lumps in their chest, also known as fibrocystic disease . In some cases, simply cutting back on caffeine makes these lumps go away.

Nutrition:  Children who have excess Caffeine in their diet are not receiving balanced nutrition for their proper development and growth. This becomes true when a child drinks drinks that contain caffeine  instead of healthy drinks such as water , milk or natural juices. In addition, Caffeine can decrease a child’s appetite, which increases the likelihood of inadequate nutrition.

Side Effects of Caffeine Can Cause Ulcers:  Caffeine  speedsup the process of gastric emptying , which can result in excessively acidic stomach contents that eat away at the walls of the intestine, and the consequences range from mild sores (which cause twinges of pain), even more serious wounds (which cause ulcers ).

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