The 12 Health Benefits of Prickly Pear

The Benefits of Prickly Pear are diverse, because the Prickly Pear  has a large amount of essential nutrients for the general health of the body. In addition, Prickly Pear  has antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties.

It contains Magnesium , Amino Acids, Antioxidants, Vitamin C and B, Beta- carotene , Iron , Calcium , Potassium and many other nutrients. The edible parts of the Prickly Pear cactus are the flowers, stems, leaves and fruits. Cactus can be eaten raw, boiled or grilled. It is also used to make juice and jellies. So, check out  12 Prickly Pear Health Benefits:

Prickly Pear is Natural :  With Prickly Pear you can reduce blood glucose levels and avoid excessive food consumption. It is 100% natural and therefore does not cause any side effects like other chemical based supplements that are consumed to control hunger.

Prickly Pear Helps in Weight Management:  Prickly Pear contains Fiber , which provides a feeling of fullness for a few hours and reduces hunger pangs. This helps in weight control very effectively.

Benefits of Prickly Pear in Combating Constipation:  In Mexico, Prickly Pear is a natural remedy used as a dietary supplement. They consume Prickly Pear in their daily diet to regularize bowel movements. This helps keep the digestive system healthy and prevents constipation .

Prickly Pear Helps Reduce Hangover Effect:  Prickly Pear hasthe ability to reduce the effect of Hangover . The juice of this pear reduces the production of inflammatory mediators that induce the uncomfortable feeling duringalcohol hangover . This also reduces other symptoms such as nausea and dry mouth.

Prickly Pear Fights Pancreatitis Problems:  Prickly Pear is very helpful in getting rid of pancreatitis problems. This fibrous fruit is a colon cleanser , which provides relief for patients with pancreatic problems.

Prickly Pear Benefit For Age-Related Vision Disorders:  This fruit contains flavonoids that prevent macular degeneration and fight Cataracts . This supplies blood and oxygen to the eyes, which helps maintain healthy vision.

Prickly Pear is Anti-Inflammatory:  This fruit is anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antihistamine. It also contains flavonoids which prevents the release of compounds that help in the inflammation of joints and muscles caused due to Gout , Arthritis, Exercise , Fibromyalgia and Allergies.

Benefits of Prickly Pear to Fight Cancer:  The flavonoid compounds in Prickly Pear decrease the risk of some types of cancer such as Breast , Prostate , Stomach, Pancreas and Lungs. This also has the ability to scavenge free radicals and enhances the activities of pro-oxidant enzymes.

Benefit of Prickly Pear for Cardiovascular System:  The flavonoids in Prickly Pears normalize the viscosity of blood platelets, which helps to maintain good cardiovascular health.

Prickly Pear Works As Antioxidant:  Antioxidants react with free radicals that cause many chronic diseases like arthritis, cancer , heart disease and the aging process. This also helps to keep the skin glowing and keep them healthy.

Prickly Pear Benefit for Shiny Hair: You can use Prickly Pear oilto have shiny hair. This oil can provide you with more double fatty acids and proteins than Argan Oil , which helps to have shiny hair. Prickly Pear also containsVitamin E , which deeply conditions hair.

Prickly Pear Benefit for Nails:  Prickly Pear Seed Oilcan be used to moisturize dry and damaged nails as well as restore the health of nails and cuticles.

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