The 12 Health Benefits of Lotus Oil

The benefits of lotus oil for health  are diverse, as it has a large amount of essential nutrients for the general health of the body. In addition,  lotus oil is also used in personal care products such as massage oils, soaps and body lotions, as well as in aromatherapy . It is rich in aroma that provides a sense of tranquility. It has a floral and earthy fragrance. The fragrance inspires the body to breathe more deeply.

Ancient Romans used lotus oil to treat respiratory problems such as asthma . The relaxing effects of lotus oil enhance the feeling of tranquility. It is considered as the most expensive aromatherapy supply on the market because its extraction process is also expensive. Lotus oil must be diluted before application to the skin  . Lotus oil is pale yellow in color with a floral scent. Relieves skin conditions and stress . So, check out  The 12 Health Benefits of Lotus Oil .

Benefits of Lotus Oil for Skin:  The constituents of lotus flower are   Phosphorus , linoleic acid, Vitamin C and B, Iron and protein. The cooling and soothing properties of lotus oil promotes good skin condition and texture.

Lotus Oil Has Astringent Property:  The astringent property of lotus oil treats pimples and blemishes. The secret is not to exaggerate the amount – two or three drops are enough to get the benefits of the product without clogging the pores.

Benefits of Lotus Oil in Aromatherapy:  Lotus oil must be diluted with carrier oil and must be used in a diffuser. It can also be inhaled directly. It could also be used as a refresher by filling diluted essential oil in a bottle.

Benefits of Lotus Oil in Massage:  Lotus Oil canbe used as a bath oil or massage oil that stimulates the skin and also provides pleasure and relaxation. It is in this way that certain perfumes are able to cause different types of sensations in people such as relaxation, peace, joy, fear control, anxiety and emotions.

Benefits of Lotus Oil for Therapies:  In terms of therapy, they are very welcome, because in addition to moisturizing the skin, lotus oil has great therapeutic power. Used in massages with repeated movements in the same place, it promotes effective benefits, either to treat symptoms or to help you relax through aromatherapy . The soothing and calming properties have an immediate and profound effect. People are more open to kindness, spiritual aspirations and forgiveness.

Lotus Oil Has Anti-Aging Property:  Lotus oil has anti-aging properties that help repair proteins. This application of this oil providesbeautiful and smooth skin . It can be mixed with floral oils, sandalwood and citrus fruits.

Lotus Oil Neutralizes Free Radicals:  Lotus oil has flavonoids and polysaccharides that act as an antioxidant, moisturizer and anti-inflammatory.

Benefits of Lotus Oil for Appetite:  This oil energizes the secretion of digestive juices in the stomach, which increases appetite. This starts from the mouth, where saliva production is stimulated. Further down, gastric juices, like bile, are secreted into the stomach, which speeds up the digestion of food that is present, if any, inside the stomach. It will help to empty your stomach, which in turn increases your appetite.

Benefits of Lotus Oil for Blood Pressure:  Lotus essential oil has a particular property that may not be welcome for normal or even hypertensive people, however, it is very therapeutic for hypotensive individuals (individuals who have problems with the blood pressure level). low blood pressure). This particular essential oil can increase blood pressure, which helps eliminate low blood pressure related problems like headaches, vomiting, fatigue and swelling in the legs.

Benefits of Lotus Oil for the Nervous System:  It provides the feeling of calm. The scent of lotus oil behaves as a tonic for the central nervous system, as well as influencing the regulation of the body’s functioning.

Lotus Oil Benefits for Concentration:  It improves concentration, offering peace and clarity. It also helps in personal development.

Lotus Essential Oil Side Effects:  Some care should be taken when using lotus oil. The presence of phytochemicals in lotus causes the problems with high cholesterol medications, diabetes , cardiac or psychiatric conditions, erectile dysfunction in patients. It is not recommended to use this oil by pregnant or lactating women. Physician should be consulted before using this product. Cinnamon , sandalwood andall spice oils combine well with lotus oil.

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