The 11 Health Benefits of Lavender Oil
The Health Benefits of Lavender Oil are varied, as Lavender Oil has a large amount of nutrients that are essential for the overall health of the body. Also, native to North Africa and the mountains of the Mediterranean, lavender grows throughout Europe, Australia and the United States. It grows as a shrub, and its flowers were used by the ancient Egyptians and Romans for mummification, perfumery, and washing.
Lavender ( lavandula angustifolia) is the most versatile of all essential oils. Most commonly known for its relaxing effects on the body, therapeutic grade Lavender oil has been highly regarded by the skin. Can be used to clean cuts, bruises and skin irritations. The fragrance is relaxing and relaxing – physically and emotionally.
Lavender oil is mostly extracted from the flowers of the Lavender plant , primarily through steam distillation. Lavender flowers are fragrant in nature and have been used to make potpourri for centuries. Traditionally, Lavender Oil has also been used in the manufacture of perfumes. The oil is very useful in aromatherapy and many aromatic preparations and combinations.
Today, Lavender Oil is used for a multitude of things. It is used in everything from lotions and perfumes to fragrances to soaps. The most popular use of Lavender Oil today is in the realm of essential oils. Lavender Oil is the most versatile of all essential oils.
The 11 Health Benefits of Lavender Oil:
Benefits of Lavender Oil to Improve Sleep : For those who have trouble relaxing and/or falling asleep, inhaling Lavender Oil can help you relax and fall asleep. To relax , place a few drops in your hand and inhale. Rub Lavender Oil on your temples, wrists and feet as well to soothe. As for sleeping, the recommendation is to rub a few drops of oil on your pillowcase before going to bed at night.
Benefits of Lavender Oil Treating Eczema Dermatitis: If you suffer from eczema or dermatitis , mix Lavender Oil with Coconut Oil or some other vegetable seed oil to relieve Eczema Dermatitis symptoms .
Benefits of Lavender Oil as Anti-Dandruff: One of the many uses of Lavender Oil helps a lot in the treatment of dandruff. Massaging the scalp regularly with Lavender Oil helps to activate blood circulation, relax and can be useful in combating dandruff.
Benefits of Lavender Oil to Treat Sinusitis: Lavender oil is useful to make inhalations for the treatment of rhinitis and sinusitis . Pour 5 drops of Lavender Oil into a pan with a liter of boiling water and a teaspoon of baking soda. Stir and breathe in the smoke, covering your head with a towel so as not to disperse the steam.
Benefits of Lavender Oil for Reducing Skin Blemishes: Mix Lavender Oil with frankincense oil and apply it three times a day to reduce the appearance of age spots and sunspots.
Benefits of Lavender Oil to Eliminate Acne: To aid in the treatment of acne, mix a few drops of Lavender Oil with a simple cream and apply the mixture to the affected area. Lavender is beneficial in eliminating acne-causing bacteria.
Benefits of Lavender Oil for Treating Anxiety: Lavender oil has traditionally been used as a natural remedy for relieving anxiety. For this purpose, massages with this oil are the most suitable. A recent study found that a massage with this oil may be more beneficial than some anti-anxiety medications.
Benefits of Lavender Oil to Stimulate Hair Growth: Another study suggests that massaging the scalp dailywith Lavender Oil can help prevent hair loss as well as encourage hair growth.
Benefits of Lavender Oil Cuts and Burns : To help heal unsightly cuts and burns, it is recommended to mix Lavender Oil with coconut butterand apply it on the cut or burn. The antimicrobial properties present in Lavender combined with the hydrating properties of coconut oil should stimulate the healing process.
Benefits of Lavender Oil for Treating Wounds : Rubbing lavender oil on injured areas can stimulate blood flow and soothe that area. Lavender oil is very effective for treating wounds.
Benefits of Lavender Oil Relieve Nausea: For those who suffer from motion sickness or nausea , the use of Lavender Oil is recommended . Just put a little on the tip of your tongue and behind your ears.
Benefits of Lavender Oil to Relieve Menstrual Cramps: It is recommended to rub Lavender Oil on the abdomen or apply it as a warm compress on the abdomen to relieve uncomfortable menstrual cramps.
Benefits of Lavender Oil as an Insect Repellent: As insects despise the scent of Lavender , spraying with Lavender Oil works as a natural insect repellent.