The 10 Side Effects of Tamarind

The 10 Tamarind Side Effects . Furthermore, what may be beneficial to some may be harmful to others When it comes to pampering our taste buds with some sweet-and-sour flavor, tamarind might just be the most delicious choice. Being delicious, it is used as a versatile condiment in a variety of dishes. In addition to a lot of nutrients, it is also a beneficial cure. In addition to all these benefits, tamarind is known to cause a lot of side effects. So let’s meet. The 10 Tamarind Side Effects :Increases Bleeding with Certain Medications:  Tamarind can increase bleeding risks and ends up being extremely dangerous when taken with certain medications. These common medications are:

  • Aspirin
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs (ibuprofen, naproxen, etc.)
  • Anticoagulants (heparin, warfarin, etc.)
  • Antiplatelet drugs (clopidogrel), etc.

If you eat tamarind with any of these medications, its rate of absorption into your body will go up considerably. As a result, the actions or effects of the remedies are amplified, which will eventually lead to excessive bleeding.

Can Lead to Hypoglycemia :  Side Effects of Tamarind on ingestion , regular in large amount can cause a significant drop in serum glucose levels resulting in hypoglycemia. According to nutritionists, the adequate intake (AI) of 10 g of tamarind per day is the recommended daily intake level of this fruit, which is only 0.8% of the regular intake. Excessive consumption can cause glucose deficiency in our body. So, diabetics who are already taking medication to lower their blood sugar level should be careful when eating tamarind .

May Cause Allergic Reactions:  Allergy or hypersensitivity is one of the most tamarind side effects . There are many people who are sensitive to the ingredients of this fruit and end up developing a series of symptoms like rashes, itching, inflammation, burning sensation, dizziness, fainting, vomiting, shortness of breath, etc.

Can Damage Tooth Enamel:  Tamarind is highly acidic. Therefore, the chance is high that you will have problems with your beautiful sets of teeth with regular consumption. If you eat too much tamarind , your tooth enamel can be corroded by its acidic component. Remember, too much tamarind is extremely bad for your health as well as the look of your teeth.

Form Gallstones:  Here comes one of the most serious side effects of tamarind ! An observational study carried out by some Indian scientists showed that frequent ingestion of large amounts of tamarind can promote the formation of stones in our gallbladder. It can lead to a number of health problems, including jaundice, acute fever , abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, digestive problems, liver problems, and so on.

Causes Acid Reflux:  As I said earlier, tamarind is an acidic food. When eaten, acid levels rise within our gastrointestinal tract, especially in our stomach. So if you are suffering from digestive problems like gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or “acid reflux”, you should stay away from it. Otherwise, you will end up developing acute acidity.

Promotes Vasoconstriction:  If you are taking any type of vasoconstrictor (no matter if it is an herb, a supplement or a synthetic drug), you should strictly stay away from tamarind . This fruit is known for adding to the vasoconstrictor effects, accelerating the process of blood vessel narrowing. Ultimately, it results in sluggish blood flow or blockage of blood vessels.

Interacts with Antibiotics:  If you are using any ophthalmic antibiotics on your eyes topically avoid ingesting tamarind . Several studies have shown that this fruit interacts with such type of medicines and can lead to skin problems as well as health risks.

Produces Laxative Effects:  Tamarind pulp or extractis well known for its laxative qualities. But if you are already using any other laxative product, make sure you stop eating this fruit.

May Make Coughs Worse:  Well, weaver’s cough is not caused by eating tamarind . Rather, it is a medical condition resulting from tamarind seeds powder. However, if you are going to use it in your dishes as an additive, be careful as the powder can affect the lungs and induce chronic respiratory problems.

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