The 16 health benefits of bitter melon leaves!

Bitter melon  is actually a member of the same  Cucurbitaceae family  as  Pumpkin ,  Melon  and  Gourd , which is why it has three distinct names depending on where in the world you are. Additionally,  bitter melon is most commonly found in Africa, Asia and the Caribbean, and its origins have been traced back to the Indian subcontinent and began to spread over 600 years ago.

Bitter melon is a very bitter fruit. However, it has many health benefits. Not only its fruit, but  Bitter Melon Leaves are often used as a natural medicine.

Benefits of Bitter Melon Leaves:

1. Download diabetes:

In one study, extracts of bitter melon showed the ability to lower fasting blood glucose in people with diabetes because they have a P-polypeptide, insulin substance. These are great health benefits especially in treating type 2 diabetes.

2. Treating hemorrhoids:

They can treat hemorrhoids due to their astringent properties. These properties can shrink tissue as well as hemorrhoids. To achieve this benefit, you can apply crushed melon leaves to the area of ​​hemorrhoids.

3. Treat  eczema, psoriasis and rashes:

The topical astringents present in them have an effect on reducing inflammation in skin disorders like eczema, psoriasis and rashes. You can apply crushed Bitter Melon Leaves to the infected area of ​​skin for 15-30 minutes and then wash it off.

4. Accelerate healing:

The astringent property can also be used to heal minor wounds. This will relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Therefore, the benefits can speed up the healing process. Crush the leaves and add some warm water , then apply to the wound area.

5. Heal burn:

The burn can heal better with Bitter Melon Leaves . The astringent ability makes the wounds caused by the burn to heal quickly.

6. Treat chronic cough:

Drink a spoonful of juice three times a day to treat a chronic cough. This affects the reduction of inflammation and relieves a sore throat.

7. Stop Diarrhea:

The zinc content can protect the intestinal mucosa. This mineral helps the intestinal mucosa to repair itself quickly, as in colitis problems. In this way, Bitter Melon Leaves can help treat diarrhea quickly.

8. Reduce fever:

Drink the tea and reduce fever. The astringent property present in the leaves can reduce the inflammatory reaction and fever.

9. Avoid parasitic infections:

The extract from these leaves has been proven to fight parasites in the body. It will kill the parasite or worms in the intestines and remove them through fecal material.

10. Benefits for the mouth:

You can use Bitter Melon Leaves as a mouthwash to maintain the health of the oral cavity. It can treat a toothache and other mouth problems.

11. Eyes:

They are a good source of vitamin A. You can keep your eyes healthy and protect your eyesight with this vitamin.

12. Controls blood pressure:

Due to the amount of potassium , bitter melon leaves can help control blood pressure. This mineral controls heart muscle contraction and blood pressure as well.

13. Lower cholesterol:

Fiber content can reduce triglyceride and cholesterol . Therefore, these benefits of leaves can treat the problem of dyslipidemia.

14. Benefits for the liver:

The antioxidant contained can protect the liver from damage and any inflammation. It is good to consume bitter melon leaves as a juice to protect the liver.

15. Strengthen the bones:

The benefits of Bitter Melon Leaves are attributed to the calcium content . Calcium helps with  bone formation and protects the bone by keeping it strong.

16. Immune system:

They contain vitamin complex and vitamin C that can support the immune system. If you already have a good immune system, you can prevent various diseases from reaching your body.

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