The 10 Foods With High Sugar Content
To reach this conclusion, the scientists performed a review and meta-analysis of several international studies comparing the effects of sugar consumption on blood pressure and tombstones (blood fats or cholesterol), both of which are considered cardiovascular risk factors. .
The experts analyzed trials published in English between 1965 and 2013 and found 37 on effects on limpidity and 12 on blood pressure. Our analysis confirms that sugars contribute to cardiovascular risk, regardless of the effect of sugars on body weight.
The authors reported that although previous studies indicated that there appeared to be none of the metabolic effects associated with weight gain, comparing high- sugar system diets with low – sugar diets when investigated found significant effects of sugars on lipids and blood pressure. “This suggests that our bodies handle sugar differently than other types of carbohydrates,” said the expert.
The study published in the American journal or nutritional clinic also highlights that by excluding trials funded by the food industry and analyzing sub-groups, greater effects of sugar on lipids and blood pressure are observed .
Scientists aren’t exactly sure how sugar can contribute to raising the risk of cardiovascular disease, but analysis shows that it increases blood pressure and healthy cholesterol levels.
Although the effects of sugar on blood pressure and lipids are relatively modest, our findings support the public health recommendation to reduce the sugar we add to our diet as one of the measures to reduce the entire burden of cardiovascular disease. So, check out now The 10 Foods with High Sugar Content.
1# High Sugar Food: Low -calorie sauces, which are called “light” products that are lower in calories, but not always sugar -free . Two tablespoons of healing honey mustard reducing calories contains 6 grams of sugar , which is equivalent to the sugar in 46 cups of raw spinach or 20 lettuce leaves. Perhaps it is better to eat the salad without these side dishes.
2# Food with High Sugar Content: Ketchup in the course of its industrialization process has varied a lot in composition and many still believe that tomato sauce contains exactly as before. But that sweet taste has a reason: three tablespoons contain, on average, 12.3 grams of carbs, of which 11.1 are sugar . This sugar is equivalent to 10 cups of sliced cucumber.
3# High Sugar Food: Granola bars are usually made from oats. But to choose them as a snack thinking they are healthy, one is surprised to read the nutrition facts: they have about 8 grams of sugar , while a cup of raw oatmeal has 1.36 grams of sugar . It would be like eating 1/3 cup of oatmeal with 3 teaspoons of coffee sugar .
4# High Sugar Food: Ready-to-eatbreakfast cereals contain sugar . Many people prefer this type of cereal with candied sugar thinking about getting rid of it, but it’s not. There are 2.7 grams of sugar in a glass. Despite not being a high- sugar food , neither is it low.
5# High Sugar Food: All Bran a Cereal Famous for its high fiber content, everyone would believe that being comprehensive doesn’t contain sugar , but it does. While 1 g of sugar is found in 100 g of oats , 100 grams of All Bran contain 16 sugars . Whole grain does not mean sugar free , cereals because they are not industrialized are still the best option.
6# Food with High Sugar Content: Peanut butter may contain sugar in amounts that may vary from one brand to another. One may think, but in terms of its fat content in sugar , and although it does not fall into the category of “high sugar system ”, its consumption should be moderated. 100 grams can contain up to 11 g of sugar and 2 tablespoons there are 3.5 gram the equivalent of 90 roasted peanuts of sugar .
7# Food with High Sugar Content: Juices and Smoothies have no calories, but by consuming vitamin water needs are covered and certain nutrients, while sugar consumption increases. 100 g of sugar is not just 5.5; the problem is that one takes a small amount and in a 240 ml bottle it can be from 13 to 15 g of sugar . It is best to consume vitamins in pill form or completely sugar -free or directly from fresh fruits and vegetables.
8# Food with High Sugar Content: Fruit purees packaged for babies, the famous ready-to-eat baby food. In addition, many mothers do not consider the high sugar content when offering these foods to their babies. Applesauce can contain about 10 grams of sugar per 100 grams. The industrialization process does not favor these foods, so there is nothing better than preparing baby food at home.
9# High Sugar Food: Low-fat cookies, salty foods like light cookies can be expected to be an exception. Or not? Crackers are very common to accompany foods like tuna, but there are 15 100 grams of sugar . And there are 8 Biscuits 2.2 grams of sugar , equivalent to three half celery stalks.
10# Food with High Sugar Content: Yogurt is an excellent source of nutrients such as protein, calcium, vitamin A and B complex, zinc and lactobacilli. Its consumption provides benefits to our body, helping to improve the intestinal flora and the absorption of nutrients by the body. But it is necessary to be aware, even in natural and skimmed yogurts, some brands found in supermarkets have high amounts of sugar. Always try to read the nutritional information on the label.