The 10 Benefits of Exercise for Pregnancy

The Benefits of Physical Exercise for Pregnancy  are diverse, as  Physical Exercise  has a large number of essential benefits for the general health of the body. In addition, Pregnancy is a period of many expectations and transformations in a woman’s life. Intense psychological, physiological and physical changes take place at this time.

The practice of  Physical Exercise for Pregnancy  will greatly facilitate postpartum recovery. But before becoming a ‘fitness pregnant’, you need to be well informed. The physician must be consulted prior to the start of any program and release the practice monthly.

It is also essential to adjust food and daily caloric intake, and train with the guidance of a specialized and qualified physical education professional to meet the needs of each stage of pregnancy, taking into account the history of the future mother.

Physical activity is always beneficial and for a pregnant woman it could not be different. Exercising during Pregnancy is good for the mother, for her baby, for childbirth (especially if it is normal) for postpartum.

For the pregnant woman, there are several gains such as lower body weight gain, lower risk of developing diabetes and other gestational diseases, in addition to preparing the postural muscles, that is, the pregnant woman will suffer less with pain during pregnancy. So, check out  The 10 Benefits of Physical Exercise for Pregnancy:

Benefits of Physical Exercise for the Immune System:  Moderate physical exercise , such as walking, decreases the risk of catching a cold . Research indicates that the practice of Physical Exercise  improves your immune system .

Benefits of Physical Exercise for Childbirth:  There are no guarantees, of course, but a strong abdomen and cardiovascular quality better prepared through Physical Exercises can help the pregnant woman to push more easily at the time of delivery and even make her more resistant to ache.

One study found that women who regularly practiced prenatal water aerobics reduced their need for painkillers at birth by up to 58% compared to mothers who did not exercise.

Benefits of Physical Exercise for Children:  Some research indicates that children of mothers who work outside the home or engage in regular physical activity during Pregnancy have better memories, as well as higher scores on intelligence and language tests.

Benefits of Exercise for Postpartum Recovery:  Compared to mothers who remained inactive during pregnancy, those who exercised are more likely to cope better with the demands of motherhood during the postpartum period.

Benefits of Exercise to Reduce Leg Swelling:  Your body retains more fluid during Pregnancy, and your growing uterus puts pressure on your veins, hampering the return of blood to your heart. Exercise can limit  swelling by improving blood flow.

Benefits of Exercise to Reduce Excess Weight:  Another reason why weight training for pregnancy is a good idea is because it will decrease the chances of suffering from excessive weight gain.

Weight training helps produce a higher metabolic rate for the entire 24 hour period after a full session as this will allow you to consume more calories while keeping your body fat levels in check.

While there is no doubt that you will gain some body fat during Pregnancy, it is far better to keep the fat gain to a minimum as much as possible as it means less weight to lose after giving birth.

Benefits of Physical Exercise for Labor:  A study found that among well-conditioned women, those who remained active throughout their pregnancy, and who opted for normal delivery, had an average of 4 hours of labor, already pregnant women who did not perform any physical exercise spent 6 hours in labor.

Benefits of Exercise for Back Pain:  About two-thirds of pregnant women experience back pain . Butaquatic exercise  , yoga and pelvic tilts can provide relief. Physical exercise during the second half of Pregnancy appears to be especially helpful.

Benefits of Physical Exercise for Nausea:  Many women experience nausea during pregnancy, and the practice of physical exercise can help reduce this symptom.

Benefits of Exercise for Placenta:  The first benefit of weight training for pregnant women is that it will help you develop a larger placenta. This is important because the placenta is the structure that will provide the baby with nutrients, so in turn this can help your baby to grow to the fullest throughout the entire pregnancy and be less at risk of developing deficiencies.

Cautions:  It is worth mentioning that when intuition says to slow down, the advice is valid. Not all  Physical Exercises  can be done during Pregnancy. Anyone who is already used to some modality can even continue, but only under medical approval.

She will have to adapt the pace of Physical Exercise  with the condition of being pregnant. Those who have never exercised can start, but very slowly and with more attention in the first trimester, when Pregnancy is more fragile.

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