10 teas to eliminate intestinal gas (and how to consume)

Teas to eliminate intestinal gas is one of the simple and effective ways to eliminate them.

However, not everyone has enough knowledge to distinguish the best ingredient for the drink, among a multitude of herbs.

Stomach gas is a very common digestive problem and affects many people, regardless of age.

Flatulence can be caused by poor digestion , food intolerance, or illness.

According to the US National Library of Medicine, everyone has gas and most expel between 13 and 21 a day.

Some foods  that contain carbohydrates and can cause gas are: beans, vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage , onions, mushrooms, artichokes and asparagus , fruits like pears, apples and peaches , whole grains like whole wheat and bran, soft drinks including others.

Making changes to your diet and how you eat can help prevent stomach gas.

Remember to slowly chew your food and you should not eat too fast to avoid swallowing too much air.

Next, we show you some home remedies that will be useful to fight gas and flatulence.

What exactly are gases?

Flatulence, commonly known as gas, is the result of air entrainment in the abdominal area, which usually generates discomfort and even pain.

They are usually not very serious on their own and can disappear as soon as they appear.

However, because they are so uncomfortable, you might be interested in these remedies:

Causes of cases in the stomach:

Excess gas can have many different causes, it all depends on the person, their general health and their eating habits.

But in general, we can make a summary of the main causes that lead to excess gas. Let’s check:

  • Eat with lots of spice;
  • Chewing food improperly;
  • Has anxiety and stress;
  • Consuming alcohol regularly;
  • Swallow air;
  • Eat strong sauces and condiments all the time;
  • Having a malfunction of the intestines;
  • Having a bacterial infection .

Teas to Eliminate Gases


Ginger is one of the Teas to Eliminate Gases .

It is recommended to chew a piece of fresh ginger after each meal; this prevents gas formation and indigestion.

If you don’t want to chew raw ginger, you can add it to your food or use it as a tea.

Boil a piece of ginger in water, strain and drink this tea two or three times a day.

Rubbing ginger oil on your stomach is also good for relieving gas and the resulting bloating.

Black pepper:

Black pepper  is another great Tea to Eliminate Gas . Its properties help to reduce the production of gases in the intestine.

You can add pepper  to numerous preparations in your kitchen, or prepare the following remedy with the help of other spices: take black pepper  , ginger, coriander seeds and dried mint leaves in equal amounts; Grind everything very well and create a mixture.

Then you should make a tea with hot water and 1 teaspoon of this mixture to drink twice a day.


Eating too much garlic can cause gas production in some people, but at the same time it can be a very effective remedy to treat this problem.

Fresh garlic tea is without a doubt one of the Teas to Eliminate Gases , avoid excess acidity and avoid irritating gases.

Boil some water and add several cloves of garlic, cumin seeds and black pepper  .

After 5 minutes, strain the mixture and let it cool to room temperature. Drink this tea three times a day for the best results.

Indian clove:

Sometimes, gas in the stomach  is accompanied by an upset stomach .

Chew several teeth and soon after a little water, as they have carminative properties that favor the expulsion of gases and combat distension. Also, if chewing is uncomfortable, you can make a tea by adding several cloves to a glass of boiling water; let it rest and strain to drink the infusion immediately.

Fennel Seeds:

Chewing fennel seeds or drinking fennel tea quickly relieves discomfort caused by gas, so it is very effective with one of the Gas Teas .

They calm inflammation and prevent excess intestinal gas from being produced.

Also, to make the tea, you just have to boil some water and add a spoon of seeds to rest for 5 minutes; After that, sneak in and drink to feel the relief.

If you prefer, you can add the seeds to a chamomile or peppermint tea.

Hot water:

Sometimes it is normal for excess gas to cause stomach pain  and we cannot eat normally. Also, in this situation, I recommend that you drink small sips of hot or nearly lukewarm water every few minutes.

This is one of the most used teas to eliminate gases  in everyday life.


In essence, it is the resin obtained from a root typical of India and the Middle East. Also, it can usually be found in pharmacies and health food stores  .

One of its most attractive medicinal uses is the relief of digestive problems, in fact, it is very good to eliminate excess gas.

Just add a pinch of asafetida to a glass of warm water, stir well and drink this infusion up to three times a day. In addition, you can also make an asafetida paste by mixing it with some water to apply directly to the stomach .

Some people prefer to add asafetida to some of their meals during the day, for example, to a ripe banana .

Apple vinegar:

Apple cider vinegar tea helps to soothe the entire digestive system; relieves the burning sensation in the stomach , eliminates excess gas and speeds up digestion .

Add 2/3 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to a glass of warm water, let it cool to room temperature, and drink it to relieve bloating and gas pain.

Note: That’s why it’s one of the Teas to Eliminate Gases that you can use regularly.

How to Avoid and Avoid Gases:

Once you’ve seen the above, it might also be interesting to see how to avoid and avoid gas.

At the end of the day, the popular knowledge is clear: prevention is better than cure.

Now we present some tips for you to achieve: To avoid gas, the most important step you should take is to chew it enough and eat slowly.

Also, make sure you also get enough fluid throughout the day and during meals.

In this way, you will prevent that, when you swallow, part of the air goes to the stomach and the flatulence is generated.

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