The 10 Symptoms of Uterus Infection!

The symptoms of infection in the uterus are diverse, a disease in the woman’s reproductive system caused by the presence of microorganisms, such as viruses or bacteria, which affects the cervix or the innermost part of the uterus .

In addition, the most common inflammation in the uterus is that which occurs in the cervix (cervix or cervix), which is the narrowest region of the uterus located at the bottom of the vagina and where menstrual blood is eliminated. Inflammation of the cervix does not interfere with the good evolution of pregnancy as long as it is treated properly.

However, not all women with an infection in the uterus have all the symptoms and, in addition, there is the possibility of having an infection in the uterus and not having any symptoms, as can happen with cervicitis, which is inflammation in the cervix. uterus .

The most common symptoms of inflammation in the uterus are discharge, bleeding and pain, especially during sexual intercourse. However, these symptoms also depend on the location of the inflammation, which can occur in the cervix (cervicitis) or in the inner region of the uterus (endometritis): So know the 10 Symptoms of Infection in the Uterus .

Symptoms of Cervical Inflammation:

  • vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea) with a bad smell and yellowish color.
  • pain when urinating (dysuria).
  • pain during intercourse (dyspareunia).
  • bleeding after intercourse.
  • bleeding outside the menstrual period.
  • pain in the lower belly (lower abdomen).
  • Lack of intimate hygiene.
  • Use of chemicals or synthetics such as latex.
  • Injuries to the vagina caused by childbirth.
  • Frequent vaginal douches .
  • Frequent infections of the vagina .
  • Use of tight clothing.

Treatment for infection of the uterus should be guided by your gynecologist and is usually done with antibiotics, antivirals or even anti-inflammatory drugs. The treatment must be done by the patient and her partner and can be done by taking pills or applying cream directly into the vagina.

If the inflammation in the uterus is not treated, it can reach more internal regions, such as the endometrium, tramps and ovaries. In these cases, treatment may be needed in the hospital, with medication given directly into the vein to contain the inflammation more quickly.

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