The 5 First Symptoms of Tuberculosis

The First Symptoms of Tuberculosis  is transmitted by air in practically all cases. In addition, it affects in most cases the lungs, it can also affect the meninges, kidneys, bones and other parts of the body. Tuberculosis, when not diagnosed and treated properly, can kill. The disease becomes serious when diagnosed late, when there is inappropriate use of medication, treatment is performed irregularly or treatment abandonment.

Tuberculosis is transmitted  by air in practically all cases. So, check out The First Symptoms of Tuberculosis now.

WHAT IS  Tuberculosis : Tuberculosis is a contagious infectious disease transmitted through the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis or  Koch’s Bacillus (BK). Tuberculosis is considered by the Health Department as an extremely contagious disease, as in most cases, it is transmitted through the airways through the inhalation of contaminated particles through the cough, speech or sneeze of the patient with the disease.

Fever:  Fever is one of the most common symptoms of tuberculosis , whether in the pulmonary form or tuberculosis  of other organs. In general, fever is high, above 38ºC, daily and predominantly at the end of the day, called afternoon fever (read: WHAT IS FEVER?). In the elderly, however, fever can and cannot be an  early symptoms of tuberculosis.

Cough:  Cough is the most common symptom of pulmonary tuberculosis  , but it is not usually present in other forms of tuberculosis . A patient with urinary or gastrointestinal tuberculosis, for example, will only have a cough if they also have active pulmonary tuberculosis.

The cough of pulmonary tuberculosis  is chronic, lasting for weeks. It usually starts as a dry cough, worsening over the days, and may evolve into a purulent cough, with greenish-yellow sputum, this is one of the  First Symptoms of Tuberculosis.

Shortness of breath and tiredness:  Shortness of breath is one of the  First Symptoms of  Pulmonary Tuberculosis and usually occurs in more advanced stages, when lung involvement is already extensive. Shortness of breath at the beginning of the condition occurs only during exertion, however, with the evolution of the infection, it starts to appear even at rest (read: LACK OF AIR | Causes and treatment).

Shortness of breath can also be caused by involvement of the pleura of the lung , causing pleural effusion (water in the pleura) or pneumothorax (air in the pleura). To better understand these two complications, read on.

Weight Loss: Weight  loss and lack of appetite occur in all forms of tuberculosis . It is common for the patient to present to the doctor scared with a loss of 5 to 10 kilos in the last few weeks.

Bone Pain: Bone  tuberculosis usually  manifests as pain in the bones, especially low back pain, due to the infection of the vertebrae of the spine (called Pott’s disease).

Bone tuberculosis  is not a very common form and the pain is usually only mild to moderate at the beginning of the condition. If there is no fever and weight loss, the doctor does not usually (and should not) initially suspect the  First Symptoms of Tuberculosis.  In patients with complaints of back pain. Spine radiography is usually normal in the early stages, requiring computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging for early diagnosis.

Transmission of Tuberculosis:  Tuberculosis is transmitted by someone who carries the virus, through coughing or even sneezing. This transmission is done over the air. Therefore, a contaminated person can contaminate everyone present in the same environment.

This does not mean, however, that transmission is easy or even very common. Healthier organisms, that is, with a strong immune system, will be able to prevent the spread of the TB virus  through the body, causing the virus to go into a latent state. Tuberculosis  can remain dormant in an organism for many years, so under the slightest suspicion of any First Symptoms of Tuberculosis  It is necessary to seek medical advice. This latency is normally interrupted by a weak immune system, causing the bacteria to strengthen and proliferate.

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