10 Symptoms of Lyme Disease Not to Ignore!

Lyme Disease Symptoms Not to Ignore . In addition, Lyme disease is a bacterial infection transmitted through the bite of infected black ticks and deer ticks. Symptoms of Lyme disease are often widespread and can occur anywhere from 3 to 30 days after the bite.Lyme disease can be particularly difficult to diagnose, as the bacteria responsible for the disease produce symptoms that mimic common illnesses. Symptoms of Lyme disease can be similar to those of a cold or flu.

Lyme disease patients are often misdiagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, and various psychiatric illnesses, including depression. As a result of frequent diagnoses and replication of symptoms, Lyme disease is informally labeled “The Great Copycat”.

The bacteria that cause this problem can affect the brain and nervous system, heart and muscles and joints .

Because the problem is often misdiagnosed, the criteria for diagnosing Lyme disease must differ noticeably from those of other illnesses. As such, the risk factors and symptoms of the disease are best explained by doctors who specialize in this problem. So, check out The 10 Lyme Disease Symptoms Not to Ignore.

Exposure:  Tick speciesthat transmit Lyme disease are only discovered in specific habitats. Wooded or grassy areas are two environments where ticks live.

Living, exercising or spending leisure time in wooded or grassy areas is the number one risk factor.

Tick ​​Bite:  As the condition originates through tick bite , you would think this would be an easy thing to detect but it is not. The reason is that most people who contract Lyme disease are bitten by an immature tick, which is the size of a poppy seed. The insect’s small size and painless bite often go unnoticed by the person.

Rash:  A “ rash with a red swelling” is a good indication if you have been bitten by a tick . The size of the rash can vary significantly from person to person, but it is usually swollen.

It is estimated that one in three people will not form a rash.

Flu Symptoms:  Some people experience flu-like symptoms : fatigue, muscle and joint pain, high temperature (fever), headaches, stiff neck and body chills.

Lyme disease with influenza is very common. If these symptoms persist and worsen over the last three to seven days, Lyme disease is a possibility.

Facial Weakness:  This is definitely a scary symptom – and one that should raise alarm. Numbness and weakness of facial muscles often result from nerve damage. Also called Bell’s palsy, these symptoms affect only one side of the face.

Numbness or weakness of the face should be considered a medical emergency.

Respiratory or Cardiovascular Problems:  Symptoms of respiratory or cardiovascular problems include chest pain, heart palpitations, and shortness of breath. Doctors refer to the cardiovascular problems associated with Lyme as Lyme carditis— a rapidly progressing disorder between the nerve connections within the heart’s tissues.

Even though these symptoms are subtle, medical attention is recommended.

Problems with Concentration or Memory  Functions within the brain can be affected in the later stages of Lyme disease. Concentration and memory problems usually occur with limb pain and facial weakness.

Inflammation:  Inflammation resulting from Lyme can cause symptoms of arthritis. Severe joint pain, swelling (especially in the knee area), numbness/tingling in the hands or feet, or “shooting” pains are potential indicators of Lyme disease . If knee pain and inflammation become severe, certain drugs, such as ibuprofen, can temporarily relieve the pain.

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