Stretch marks have a cure – Home Treatment for Stretch Marks!
Stretch marks have a cure – home treatment for stretch marks . In fact, stretch marks have a cure yes, making use of the homemade treatment for stretch marks you will end up with stretch marks . Also, stretch marks can be a curse for some and can also be a common thing for others.
But the vast majority of women don’t see stretch marks with good eyes, so for you to know what stretch marks are and also how to get rid of them, first you should know that stretch marks have a cure and their treatment can be done at home. , because the home treatment for stretch marks when done correctly can be successful.
News of the week:
What are stretch marks: Stretch marks are a problem that affects thousands of people all over the world, both women and men, but it is women who take the fact of having stretch marks most seriously , because stretch marks are. And in addition to being aesthetically unsightly, stretch marks can also be harmful to health. Our skin has elastic properties that make the skin able to stretch and shrink as the person grows. However, this flexibility has a certain limit. And with a rapid and exaggerated stretching of the skin, the elastic fibers of the skin suffer injuries that cause scarring .
What types of stretch marks: There are 2 types of stretch marks, recent stretch marks and older stretch marks . When stretch marks are recent, they are pink or red, while older stretch marks turn white over time. Pink stretch marks are recent, and may present a slight itching and are usually accompanied by an inflammatory process at the site.
As for white stretch marks , as they are older, where there has already been a more intense atrophy of collagen and elastic fibers, there is no inflammation involved in the process. In people with dark or black skin , stretch marks can appear with a darker color than their skin tone .
Stretch marks , as they are just scars resulting from a sudden stretching of the skin, can be avoided with some Simple Care , which you will see below. Stretch marks are very common in adolescence, if the growth happens quickly and not gradually, or in pregnancy, because of sudden weight gain. And in case you want to avoid the problem of stretch marks , instead of worrying about them later, learn how you can get rid of stretch marks, and for you to really have the desired results, check out How You Can Eliminate Stretch Marks Quickly and 100% % Natural…
What Can Cause Stretch Marks: As we saw above , stretch marks are due to a sudden stretching of a certain point of the skin, so there are certain situations that are more conducive to the appearance of stretch marks, check out some of them:
- Pregnancy : It usually causes stretch marks on the breasts, abdomen and shoulders.
- Rapid gain in muscle mass : it usually causes stretch marks on the shoulders.
- Gaining weight quickly : It usually causes stretch marks on the abdomen and hips.
- Pubertal spurt: usually causes stretch marks on the hips and thighs. In girls, stretch marks can appear on the breasts.
Adolescents and pregnant women are the groups most at risk of having stretch marks ; 70% of teenage girls and 40% of teenage boys develop stretch marks at this time in their lives. In pregnant women the occurrence of stretch marks is even higher, reaching 90%. The greater the weight of the baby, the greater the risk of stretch marks on the belly mainly.
Stretch marks , as they are just scars resulting from a sudden stretching of the skin, can be avoided with some Simple Care , which you will see below. Stretch marks are very common in adolescence, if the growth happens quickly and not gradually, or in pregnancy, because of sudden weight gain. And in case you want to avoid the problem of stretch marks , instead of worrying about them later, learn How You Can Eliminate Stretch Marks Quickly and 100% Naturally…
How to Prevent Stretch Marks: The ways to prevent stretch marks are simple and you can do it at home and without much effort. As stretch marks are small scars that are caused by sudden stretching of the skin, weight gain and skin health care are great examples of simple care you should have to prevent stretch marks . Check now other Tips to prevent stretch marks .
- Drink Plenty of Water: Drinking water helps keep your body hydrated, including your skin. The skin is the first organ that dehydrates, as it is constantly exposed to aggressions such as the sun.
- Consume More Zinc: The zinc present in seafood has a healing action for the skin, always keeping it healthy and preventing stretching.
- Use Moisturizing Creams and Oils: Moisturizing creams and oils rich in vitamin E , suitable for providing deep hydration to the skin during pregnancy, reduce the chances of the appearance of stretch marks.
How to Treat Stretch Marks: For you to really eliminate stretch marks in a simple way at home we have brought you some recipes that will End Stretch Marks , check it out:
Aloe and Avocado Cream
- Add all the ingredients in the blender until it forms a very smooth paste.
- Massage in circular motions on the affected areas, leaving it on for 20 minutes.
- Then rinse with cold water.
Coffee grounds
- 1 handful of coffee grounds
- Just rub the coffee grounds on the regions affected by stretch marks , for a few minutes, until the skin becomes red .
- Then wash the area with warm water , to help open the pores and make it easier for the moisturizer to work.
- Then apply the moisturizer.
Useful links:
In addition to these tips above, there is another way to get rid of stretch marks. And this other way to get rid of stretch marks is totally effective and you can carry out this treatment at home, so check out how to get rid of stretch marks at home in a simple and fast way…