Scarsdale Diet for Weight Loss: Does it Work? benefits and menu
The scardale diet is a type of weight loss diet that is characterized by very rapid weight loss due to the intake of very few calories.
It is one of the oldest diets since it was created and developed by Dr. Herman Tarnower in 1970 and published in 1978.
However, despite the years, it is still widely accepted by those people who decide to lose weight in a short amount of time.
The Scardale diet is based on the idea of combining protein, carbohydrates and fat in the following proportions in any given day’s diet: 43% protein, 22.5% fat and 34.5% carbohydrates. In the 70’s and 80’s this diet was widely accepted by a large majority because the risks involved in following a high protein diet were totally unknown.
Today it is not recommended to follow a diet rich in protein, because of the damage that the kidneys can suffer and the possibility of developing such a typical bone disease as osteoporosis. Even in the 70s, due to possible long-term damage, nutrition experts recommended not following them for more than two weeks in a row.
According to the basis of this diet, the person who decides to carry it out can lose about 400 grams a day. There are only 3 meals a day, eliminating lunch and snacks. The basis of the diet consists of fruits, vegetables and lean meat. Being a very high protein diet, the person is completely satisfied and is rarely hungry. The main problem with this diet and as it often occurs in most so-called miracle diets is the restriction of many foods that are necessary for the proper development of the body.
Another feature of the Scarsdale Diet is that it is advised to drink at least about 4 glasses of water a day, but there is no limit and 8 glasses or two liters of water would be recommended. Fluid intake is highly beneficial for the body as it helps to eliminate toxins and the loss of accumulated fat.
Foods to Avoid on the Scarsdale Diet:
A large number of foods are restricted on the Scarsdale Diet This list of foods is extensive but includes:
- fatty meats like sausage, bacon, and pork belly
- any type of milk (including butter) with fat
- all types of potatoes, including sweet potatoes
- rice
- juice
- beans and lentils
- avocados
- chocolate
- dessert
Originally, the only fruit that was allowed was grapefruit – everything else was forbidden. Another updated version of the Scarsdale Diet allows for the addition of other fruits.
Foods you can eat on the scarsdale diet:
When following the Scarsdale Diet , there are lists of certain foods you can eat, including fats, proteins, and raw fruits and vegetables. You can eat carbs, including bread, but these should be limited.
According to the original Scarsdale diet, grapefruit was the only fruit you could eat. This was later expanded, allowing for more fruit:
- melons
- peaches
- sleeves
- papaya
- tomatoes
Some raw vegetables you can eat include:
- spinach
- aipo
- carrots
- radishes
- cauliflower
- broccoli
- lettuce
Proteins you can eat include lean meat such as chicken or lean beef and turkey. You can also eat fat-free dairy and eggs.
Allowed drinks include water, tea and diet soda. Seasonings you can add to your food include salt, pepper , herbs, vinegar, lemon , Worcestershire sauce, soy sauce, mustard and ketchup.
Miracle diets usually have their good and bad things and the people who defend them and the other who criticize them, so does the Scarsdale Diet . So that you are fully informed before starting the Scarsdale Diet , then I am going to talk about a number of advantages or benefits that you can get by following this type of diet.
It is a diet with which you will get good results in a short time. If you need to lose weight fast, it’s a perfect diet to follow.
Because it consists of a diet made with a series of specific foods, you don’t have to go crazy counting the calories of each product or see how much each food you eat weighs.
It is not necessary to supplement it with any type of exercise or physical activity, if you follow the guidelines defined by the diet you will lose the fixed pounds.
As is often the case with this type of diet, the diet you are going to follow is not at all balanced and the body does not receive all the nutrients it needs to function perfectly.
- Breakfast doesn’t provide the amount of nutrients or energy to start the day.
- Consisting of just 3 meals a day, you may experience a lack of energy, some weakness or some hunger at some point during the day.
- According to some nutrition experts, you should not prolong this diet for a long time because they can cause serious health problems such as increased uric acid.
- or dehydration. Also, the kidney can be seriously damaged or damaged.
- Although physical exercise is healthy for the body, it is not recommended, due to the lack of nutrients and the few calories consumed throughout the day.
Day 1:
- Fish or shellfish (as much as you want)
- A slice of bread with protein
- Salad as much as you want
- 1 grapefruit
Day 2:
- Sugar-free coffee or tea
- half grapefruit
- 1 slice of bread with protein
- Grilled low fat hamburger
- Tomato, celery, cucumber or Brussels sprouts (as much as you like).
Day 3:
- Sugar-free coffee or tea
- half grapefruit
- A slice of bread with protein
- Tuna Salad (as much as you like)
- a grapefruit
- coffee or tea
Dia 4
- Two eggs cooked as you like
- lean cheese
- Green beans or tomato
- A slice of bread with protein
- coffee or tea
- Grilled or roasted chicken (without the skin) as much as you like
- Green beans, spinach or bell peppers
- Coffee or tea .
Dia 5
- Sugar-free coffee or tea
- half grapefruit
- A slice of bread with protein
- Assortment of low-fat cheese slices (as much as you like)
- Spinach (as much as you want)
- A slice of bread with protein
- coffee or tea
- Fish or shellfish (as much as you want)
- Salad (as much as you want)
- A slice of bread with protein
- coffee or tea
Day 6:
- Sugar-free coffee or tea
- half grapefruit
- A slice of bread with protein
- Grilled or roasted turkey or chicken
- Lettuce and tomato salad
- 1 grapefruit
- coffee or tea
Day 7:
- Hot or cold chicken or turkey
- Tomatoes, carrots, cabbage,
- broccoli
- or cauliflower
- 1 grapefruit or melon
- coffee or tea
- A large grilled steak (no visible fat)
- A Lettuce, Cucumber , Celery, Tomato and Brussels Sprout Salad
- coffee or tea
- In the second week of the Scarsdale Diet , repeat all the menus from the first week.
- Bread with protein: you can replace it with 100% whole wheat bread
In the event that you decide to start the Scarsdale Diet , it is important that you consult your doctor first so that he can advise you if this may entail any kind of risk to your health.