5 homemade recipes to eliminate chilblains in 1 day!

These are the best homemade recipes to eliminate chilblains in 1 day in a 100% healthy way. Who has never felt that unbearable itch in the hollows of their feet or hands? One of the most common skin problems , chilblains, can be quite difficult to treat. There are people who have recurrent episodes of this mycosis , and they always need to buy medicine to remedy the problem.

However, it can be solved with simple measures, home remedies, which can be as effective as industrialized ones. In addition, chilblains are caused by a fungus, Trichophyton, and can be classified as a ringworm of the skin .

It is usually contagious, and transmission occurs directly, from individual to individual, and also through the use of contaminated objects, such as socks and shoes. It is more common in the summer, precisely because this is a time when people tend to visit more public spaces, such as swimming pools and clubs, which are favorable places for the transmission of this fungus.

Homemade recipes to eliminate chilblains in 1 day:

1. Horsetail:

Make the tea with 1 tablespoon of horsetail and another of thyme. Add 100 ml of boiling water , let stand for 15 minutes and apply to feet twice a day.

2. Hydrogen peroxide:

Mix 3% hydrogen peroxide and enough water to soak your feet and leave them on for half an hour. Do this treatment every day for three weeks. Finally, dry your feet well.

3. Apple Juice:

The apple has astringent and anti-inflammatory action, which helps to eliminate chilblains. To do so, make a paste with 1 apple and 1 cup of water and apply it on the spot.

4. Oils:

Clove essential oil , almond oil and St. John ‘s wort oil have anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties. In the case of almond oil and St. John’s wort , just apply the product to the chilblains region, a few times a day. Clove oil needs to be placed in a water bath with olive oil for an hour Use 30 g of oil and 200 ml of olive oil. After this process, strain and save for use.

5. Sodium bicarbonate:

Bicarbonate is a product used for various purposes and can also be used to cure chilblains. Just apply it to the region a few times a day.

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