The 3 Reasons Yeast Infection Can Cause Dandruff

The 3 Reasons Yeast Infection Can Cause Dandruff is the manifestation of scaling of the scalp resulting in itching, inflammation , redness and white patches on hair curls . Also, while it is otherwise harmless and does not result in additional complications, it can be very embarrassing especially for those suffering from an acute condition. Marked to improper hair care routine , new studies question the validity of this reasoning, with studies indicating that the cause of dandruff could also be caused by a fungal infection on the scalp.The body is constantly shedding dead skin cells, a natural phenomenon to rejuvenate itself. New cells replace dead ones once every 28 days. So, check out  Yeast Infection Causes Dandruff?

The dead cells are released as tiny flakes that are discharged from the arms , legs, trunk, head and neck as the person goes about their regular activities. As with other dead skin cells, the cause of dandruff also results from the shedding of dead skin cells. One exception, however, is that the cause of dandruff is visible in the form of white flakes and can be embarrassing when left on clothing, leading to self-esteem issues treatable either medically or psychologically. New findings by scientists indicate that the cause of dandruff may occur when a yeast-like fungus, Malassezia fungus, grows unchecked on the scalp.

What is Malassezia fungus? Is it a dandruff fungus?  This microscopic fungus is a normal inhabitant of the head, feeding on oil secreted by hair follicles on the scalp. The by-products that are created when feeding takes place,  cause dandruff and itchy , sometimes inflamed scalp. In the normal growth cycle, the Malassezia fungus that  causes dandruff  on the scalp causes scaling or itching. It is when there is an overgrowth of the fungus that causes dandruff , leading to excess shedding on the scalp and hair , a visible and embarrassing condition.

Theories about Malassezia Fungus:  One theory suggests that the cause of dandruff  is caused by the individual’s immune system  reacting to the fungus. This could be due to a variety of conditions in the body, including body chemistry, excessive sweating, and the body’s allergic reactions to hair products. These conditions could cause the fungus to grow out of control which  causes dandruff , itching , irritation, scaling and rapid cell folding on the scalp. As a result of overgrowth, the normal cell fold rate in the scalp, usually around one month, changes to around two weeks.

This leads to many dead cells being shed at the same time, forming fatty aggregates that are clearly visible to the naked eye. The oil secreted by the scalp causes clumps to stick to the hair , leading to lifeless and heavy strands. A second theory states that the cause of dandruff is caused by seborrheic dermatitis , or seborrheic dermatitis , a type of rash that affects the scalp, leading to itchiness , redness , and inflammation .

This condition most often occurs in young adults, but it can also occur at an older age. This condition affects areas of the scalp where sebaceous glands are present. These glands secrete oil or sebum to keep the hair strands soft and supple.

When the individuals immune system reacts to the yeast germs present in the sebum, it leads to the cause of dandruff  and flaking. To conclude, these theories give very credible reasons that are supported by extensive research regarding Malassezia fungus being the cause of dandruff in most cases.

If the scalp and hair show similar symptoms, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist to check if you have been infected with this type of fungus.

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