6 proven tips to prevent hangovers

The Proven Tips to Prevent Hangovers You Probably Didn’t Know! Also, drinking alcohol has its pros and cons. After drinking, one of the worst things is a hangover the next morning. Maybe you don’t know, but a hangover is just the nasty effect of alcohol intoxication. It strikes hardest when alcohol leaves the body and is characterized by a number of terrible symptoms. Eventually this includes headache , fatigue , thirst, dizziness , nausea and loss of appetite . The severity of hangovers varies between individuals, but most people agree that they are highly unpleasant.

Not surprisingly, there are all kinds of “hangover cures”, some of which are considered highly effective. The evidence behind them is limited, and most have not yet been studied.

Even so, there are some strategies that have shown surprising potential. Here we break down evidence-based ways to prevent hangovers, or at least make them significantly less severe. So, here are the  6 Proven Tips to Prevent Hangovers:

1. Have a healthy meal:

Among the Proven Hangover Prevention Tips, this one works because hangovers are sometimes associated with low blood sugar, a condition known as hypoglycemia. Hangovers also tend to be more severe in those who have low blood sugar levels.

While hypoglycemia is not a major cause of a hangover, it can contribute to some of the symptoms, such as weakness and headache . In addition to providing the necessary vitamins and minerals, a nutritious breakfast or evening meal can help maintain blood sugar levels.

2. Drink lots of water:

Above all, alcohol is a diuretic, making you pee more than if you were drinking an equal amount of plain water. For this reason, alcohol can contribute to dehydration . While dehydration is not considered the main cause of a hangover, it can contribute to symptoms such as thirst, headache , fatigue , and dry mouth.

Certainly, dehydration is very easy to avoid. In this one of the  Proven Hangover Prevention Tips,  just make sure you drink plenty of water. A good rule of thumb is to drink a glass of water (or other non-alcoholic beverage) between drinks and to drink at least one large glass of water before bed.

3. Supplements that can help:

Inflammation is an important mechanism that helps the body repair tissue damage. Many hangover symptoms are caused by low-grade inflammation. In fact, some anti-inflammatories have been shown to be quite effective in the  Proven Hangover Prevention Tips .

Many herbal foods and medicinal herbs can also reduce inflammation and help prevent hangovers . Supplements that have been shown to be effective include red ginseng , ginger and prickly pear.

The prickly pear is noteworthy. This is the fruit of a cactus called Opuntia ficus-indica, which is believed to be native to Mexico. In a study of 55 young, healthy subjects, taking prickly pear extract 5 hours before drinking reduced the risk of a severe hangover by 62%. While it doesn’t completely stop a hangover, it can significantly alleviate your suffering.

4. Drink more the next morning:

Treating a hangover by drinking more seems paradoxical. However, among the Proven Tips to Prevent Hangovers, this is one of the most famous. While the habit has not been shown to be effective, there is an interesting science behind it.

In other words, drinking more alcohol (ethanol) is thought to affect the metabolism of methanol, a well-known congener found in small amounts in some beverages. After drinking, methanol is converted into formaldehyde, a highly toxic substance. This is believed to be partially responsible for many hangover symptoms.

However, drinking ethanol (alcohol) the next morning can inhibit this conversion process, preventing the formation of formaldehyde. Instead, methanol can be discharged from the body without causing breath and urine. This is why ethanol is often used to treat methanol poisoning.

So drinking again the next day is one of the Proven Hangover Prevention Tips . But by practicing this, after a while this habit will be associated with drinking problems, and mitigating a few hangovers doesn’t minimize your risk of becoming an alcoholic. So, be moderate.

5. Get enough sleep:

Alcohol can interfere with your sleep. It can impair the quality and duration of sleep, while also disrupting your entire sleep schedule if you stay up late. While poor sleep doesn’t have much to do with most hangover symptoms, it can contribute to the fatigue and irritability often associated with hangovers.

Getting a lot of sleep after drinking a lot can help your body recover. If you can’t sleep and relax the next day, getting drunk might not be a good idea.

6. Drink in moderation or not at all:

Undeniably the severity of hangovers increases with the amount of alcohol consumed. For this reason, the best way to avoid hangovers is to drink in moderation (or abstain completely). However, the amount of alcohol needed to produce a hangover varies between individuals.

Some people only need 1 or 2 drinks, but most people need a lot more. About 23% of people just don’t seem to have a hangover, no matter how much they drink.

That said, moderation is not always a viable option. Some people like to drink and are willing to drink, even though they know they might regret it the next morning. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to mitigate the damage.

When ethanol (simply referred to as alcohol in this article) is produced by yeasts that ferment sugar, by-products called congeners are also formed. Congeners are toxic chemicals, in addition to ethanol itself, formed in small amounts when alcohol is produced. Well-known congeners include methanol, isopentanol, and acetone.

Alcoholic beverages with high amounts of congeners appear to increase the frequency and intensity of hangovers, compared to drinks that contain low amounts. Drinks high in congeners include whiskey , cognac , and tequila. Bourbon whiskey is exceptionally high in congeners.

On the other hand, colorless drinks like vodka , gin and rum contain low levels of congeners. In fact, vodka contains almost no congeners. Several studies have compared the effects of vodka (low in congeners) and whiskey (high in congeners). Both the frequency and intensity of hangovers were higher after whiskey than vodka.

Supporting this, two studies found that methanol, a common congener, is strongly associated with hangover symptoms.


The severity of hangovers can be significantly reduced by drinking clean drinks (low in congeners) such as vodka , gin or rum.

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