The 12 First Symptoms of Pregnancy!

The First Pregnancy Symptoms can go unnoticed and can appear before the delay of menstruation or about 3 weeks after fertilization of the egg. However, there are women who are so attuned to their bodies that they can tell they are pregnant soon after conception.

For others, pregnancy can go completely unnoticed for weeks, and distrust only arises when menstruation doesn’t come. So, read below for a list of early pregnancy symptoms . Also, you may have them all, but it’s also perfectly normal not to have any of them, even if you’re pregnant:

What are the Symptoms of Pregnancy in the First Days?

Mood Variations:

mood swings are part of the adaptation to the numerous changes that the maternal organism has been suffering. Most of the time, they are gentle and all you need is patience and understanding to deal with them.

In some cases, specialist medical evaluation may be necessary, depending on the intensity and repercussions of the symptoms. Also, this  pregnancy symptoms can be confused with PMS.

Easy Fatigue:

Pregnancy is accompanied by a series of hormonal changes and changes in the body that can generate fatigue, which is normal and is part of the adaptation. However, prenatal exams are capable of diagnosing pathological situations such as anemia or thyroid dysfunctions, which can cause this symptom and require specific treatment.

Increased Urinary Frequency: 

Increased urinary frequency is one of the First Symptoms of Pregnancy ,  progesterone, one of the hormones of pregnancy, slows down the flow in the urinary tract and the growth of the uterus compresses the bladder, reducing its storage capacity. Urinary frequency is very common.

If there is an association with pain in the lower abdomen, pain or burning when urinating and a feeling that you cannot empty the bladder completely, it is necessary to look for the obstetrician for investigation of urinary infection.

Dizziness and Sleep:

The cardiovascular changes that occur in pregnancy are usually responsible for the occurrence of dizziness and drowsiness. Blood pressure tends to be lower than before and there is a change in blood flow and volume. If the intensity of the symptoms is a concern, it is necessary to inform the obstetrician, so that other possibilities, such as labyrinthitis and anemia, are investigated.

Aversion to Strong Smells: 

This is one of  the weirdest Early Pregnancy Symptoms For  there may be an increase in sensitivity not only to certain smells, but also to certain flavors. This is individual and variable, is self-limiting, and is usually not a cause for concern.

Nausea and Vomiting:

The occurrence of nausea and vomiting is common in the first Pregnancy Symptoms  and, in general, is restricted to the first trimester, stopping after that period. There are dietary guidelines and safe medications to alleviate these manifestations.

Those cases that do not improve, such as the use of symptomatic patients, require more attention and specialized evaluation and that generate more serious repercussions, with loss of liquid and food intake.

Colic or Abdominal Pain:

Colic, pain in the lower abdomen or pain “in the foot of the belly” is a very common symptom, associated with the adaptation of the organism to the new condition and the uterine growth itself. It is necessary, however, to exclude pathological causes, such as urinary tract infection and, therefore, requires medical evaluation.

Abdominal Swelling:

The main cause of this manifestation is the uterine growth itself, but it can also be caused, for example, by general swelling (caused by changes in circulation that occur during pregnancy) and by constipation , a very common complaint of pregnant women.

Pink Vaginal Discharge:

When implantation occurs (implantation of the embryo in the wall of the uterus, there may be a small bleeding that, when externalized, resembles a “pink discharge”.

In general, it is a discrete manifestation, which ceases spontaneously. In any case, bleeding that occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy requires a medical evaluation to rule out alterations such as, for example, threatened abortion and injuries to the uterine cervix.

Sore Breasts:

Pregnancy triggers a series of hormonal changes, Progesterone causes fluid retention and increased breast volume and is the main responsible for this discomfort, which can occur at the beginning and end of pregnancy (when it is associated with milk production).


Hormonal changes can lead to the emergence or worsening of blackheads and pimples, scientifically called acne, and therefore, in the first weeks of pregnancy, a woman may notice an increase in skin oil, which can be controlled with the use of suitable skin care and personal hygiene products.

Hunger after hours:

Yeah, it’s a cliché, but the sudden urge to eat something can be a sign of pregnancy. It’s a very unreliable symptom, because you can be suggested (or even be a sign that your body needs a certain nutrient), but if the cravings start to appear and you have any other symptoms on the list, it’s good to do the math. to see if your period is late.

The urge to eat can appear at odd times, like in the middle of the night, in the form of a “hole” in the stomach that needs to be filled anyway.

How Do I Know If I’m One Week Pregnant?

At one week pregnant remember, at this early stage, the Pregnancy Symptoms  you are experiencing are typical of your period because you are not actually pregnant. These symptoms can last from three to seven days and can include:

  • Vaginal Bleeding:

Your body is shedding the uterine lining, which was filled just in case of a pregnancy.

  • Low back pain and cramps:

To shed this lining, your uterus contracts, causing pain in your back and abdomen.

  • Swelling:

Fluctuating hormones can cause your belly to bloat before and during your period.

  • Mood Changes:

These hormonal surges can also cause irritability and wreak havoc on your emotions.

  • Headache:

Many women complain of menstrual migraines, which are also hormone related. (Surprise, surprise.) Ice packs, over-the-counter pain relievers, and relaxation exercises can help relieve pain.

What are the Symptoms of a Silent Pregnancy?

Silent pregnancy is defined by the same symptoms as conventional pregnancy, the difference is that they go unnoticed.

Example: An indicator of a possible pregnancy is the delay in menstruation, as it is very common, in comments or testimonials from women who had this silent pregnancy, to report that their cycles were irregular.

Thus, they did not pay attention to the delay, considering it as another common irregularity of the cycle.

In addition to this, pregnancy often contains common symptoms of menstruation, such as cramps, breast swelling, drowsiness, headaches, nausea and belly discomfort. In other words: the symptoms of silent pregnancy can be mistaken as another menstruation on the way, in which case the woman does not suspect that she is pregnant.

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