Plum Yogurt for Gut Loosening

Plum Yogurt to Lose the Gut  is an excellent home remedy. In addition, Laxatives are preparations used to encourage the passage of stool. They are usually used to treat constipation. Certain saline laxatives , stimulants, and lubricants are used to evacuate the colon for rectal and bowel examination.

Types of Laxatives: There are several types of laxatives. Some combine more than one type of active ingredient to produce a combination of effects. Laxatives can be administered orally or in suppositories. Some types of laxatives include:

  •  Fecal bulking agents, which include dietary fiber. These laxatives should be taken with plenty of water.
  •  Surfactants cause water and fat to penetrate the faeces making them easier to move.
  •  Lubricants and emollients, which make stools more slippery.
  •  Moisturizing agents make the intestines retain more water , softening the stool.
  •  Saline laxatives attract and retain water in the intestinal lumen, softening stool.
  •  Hyperosmotic agents work by osmotic effect, which retains water in the colon.

Indicated cases: Laxatives should only be used for cases of chronic constipation. Most people with moderate constipation do not need to take laxatives . Self-medication with laxatives should be avoided. However, there are some home remedies capable of relieving the pain of this terrible disease. So, check out the Green Apple Juice Recipe to


  • 1 cup of natural yogurt ;
  • 3 black plums;
  • 1 spoon of honey;
  • 1 spoon of oat bran.
  • Preparation mode:


Preparation is very simple. Just mix all the ingredients in the blender.

NOTE: Although many people may experience relief from using laxatives , they generally need to increase the dose over time as the effectiveness decreases with repeated use. Consequently, indiscriminate use of laxatives could lead to constipation.

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