Persimmon slimming or fattening? how to consume, benefits!

Do you lose weight or gain weight here? Persimmon is widely consumed in Brazil and there is always this doubt, because fruits in general have a great power to help you lose weight, as they have vitamins and minerals that help in well being.

In addition, persimmon is one of those indicated to be placed in the diet, as it has numerous substances that bring satisfactory effects. The fruit loses weight , but in addition, it brings rich nutrients that elevate the quality of life.

For you who want to go on a diet, opt for persimmon , even more so in the summer season, it is effective to help in everyday life and brings perfect effects for your meals to be light and delicious. Check here for more on how to consume and nice recipes.

Nutritional value:

The fruit is very consumed in the summer because it is sweet, its origin is Japanese but it has become very popular in Brazil and in other parts of the world, it is a source of vitamin A , C, E, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium , potassium , fiber, beta- carotene and iron, due to these vitamins we already know that they can improve hair , nails and prevent premature aging .

Health benefits of persimmon:

Helps to lose weight: 

Because it is a fruit rich in dietary fiber, it is ideal for those who want to lose those uncomfortable pounds. Fiber helps to promote satiety and prevent us from eating more than necessary, in addition, when included as an afternoon snack, for example, it will prevent hunger from coming more intensely at the next meal.

Helps with premature aging:

Source of powerful antioxidants , and substances such as vitamin C , A and K, regular consumption of the fruit helps to prevent the actions of free radicals , delaying the aging of cells and granting a more youthful and beautiful skin.

Increase immunity: 

With good levels of vitamin C in its composition, it acts as a booster for our immune system . Its consumption helps keep our body free from flu, infections, colds and other diseases caused by low immunity.

Contains detox effect: 

Persimmon can and should be present in refreshing detox juices. The fruit has a detoxifying action, which eliminates heavy metals from the body, leaving it healthier and facilitating the absorption of nutrients necessary for our well-being. In addition, this property of the fruit acts directly on the colon, preventing cancer.

Digestive system improvement:

Source of dietary fiber and other nutrients, it helps regulate our body, acting in the digestion process, preventing constipation and helping the body’s functions, such as growth and energy supply.

eye health: 

Rich in vitamin A , it becomes essential to prevent vision loss, retinal damage and macular degeneration, thus preventing cataracts and even the risks of glaucoma. In addition, the substance is also responsible for preventing cardiovascular diseases and increasing immunity.

persimmon fattening or not?

Persimmon is not fattening , that ‘s because it’s rich in fiber , which can help you feel full, decreasing the urge to snack between meals.

Remember that to prevent excessive bloating , you should introduce fiber to your diet gradually, giving your body time to adapt. It absorbs water , so you should also drink plenty of water to help fiber move through your digestive tract.

persimmon slimming?

Persimmon loses weight “YES” , that’s because persimmon has a large volume of fiber , which in this case contributes to weight loss and in return it brings a feeling of satiety. Not to mention that it reduces the desire to consume sugar and processed foods .

Persimmon works against hypertension. Assists in the balance of glycemic rates, decreases cholesterol, acts in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

In addition, it makes the immune system stronger, helps prevent cancer , protects the eyes, prevents fatty plaques in the arteries.

Recipe using persimmon to lose weight:


– 2 persimmons cut and without the green leaves;
– two cups of water;
– 2 sliced ​​carrots ;
– Sugar, sweetener or ice (optional);

Preparation method:

  1. Add all the ingredients in the blender until obtaining a homogeneous mixture.
  2. Then add the sweetener, ice or sugar and serve!

You can change the persimmon recipe for weight loss by adding juice of 1 or 2 lemons or ginger roots to make your drink even tastier.

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