Orange fattening or slimming: Calories? income and benefits

This citrus fruit is very consumed in Brazil and there is this doubt if the orange makes you fat or slim ? See this full review!

Orange  is a citrus fruit that is essential to fight and prevent various diseases. However, the question many people ask is:

Does orange make you fat or lose weight ? Well, this fruit has a significant amount of  fiber , that is, it helps in the functioning of the intestine and is associated with a lower predisposition to gain weight.

It is also worth remembering that people who consume a lot of fiber tend to gain less weight than people who eat less fiber .

Orange properties:

A medium orange has 62 calories. The small one has fewer calories than that and you will only consume 45 calories, while the large one provides 86 calories. Plus, almost all of those calories come from carbs , since the average has 15.4 grams of carbs and only 1.2 grams of protein .

Because it contains so few calories, the fruit becomes an ideal food for snacks and weight loss diets. Also, the fiber present in the fruit controls weight because fiber-rich foods take longer to chew and take up a lot of space in your stomach because they absorb water .

Benefits of orange to strengthen the immune system: 

The amount of vitamin C found in orange is of paramount importance in strengthening the immune system. In addition, this same vitamin C is also important in preventing and fighting viral diseases such as flu and colds .

1. Cancer prevention:

As mentioned, vitamin C works as an antioxidant , and one of the most important functions of antioxidants is to prevent cancer .

Antioxidants also prevent the DNA of healthy cells from turning into cancer cells , which makes vitamin C the first line of defense against cancer and other diseases that can occur in the body.

2. Fights inflammation:

High-sugar and high-fat meals can lead to inflammation of various parts of the body, which in turn can lead to the development of greater insulin resistance.

However, studies have shown that orange can inhibit this insulin resistance, reducing inflammation, thus protecting the heart and ensuring cardiovascular protection.

3. Lowering high cholesterol:

High cholesterol is one of the dangerous causes of cardiovascular disease, so any way to lower the cholesterol in your body should be tried.

Furthermore, orange has been shown to reduce the presence and effects of “bad” cholesterol while increasing the amount of “good” cholesterol in the body.

This means that the chances of atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke are significantly reduced.

4. Rich in Vitamin A:

Oranges are fruits that have a high amount of vitamin A.

Vitamin A is an essential vitamin in preventing diseases such as macular degeneration, cataracts and glaucoma. In addition, vitamin A is also very important for hair health .

See other Benefits in the video below:

By the way, does orange slimming or fattening?

Despite being a source of carbohydrates classified as sugars, the glycemic index of oranges is normally low, that is, sugars are absorbed more slowly by the intestine, avoiding insulin and blood glucose spikes, which are associated with a greater accumulation of fats in the body. .

Orange and cabbage recipe for weight loss:


– One orange;
– 1/2 leaf of kale ;
– ½ glass of water .

Preparation method:

  1. Put all the ingredients in the blender and drink right away.
  2. You must not strain or add sugar.
  3. Use this recipe 2 to 3 times a week, however, the doctor should be consulted.

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