Natural Cinnamon and Ginger Remedy to End the Flu!

Natural remedy of cinnamon and ginger to end the flu. This natural cinnamon and ginger syrup with a sweet, spicy and refreshing touch can be beneficial not only for the flu, but also as a stimulant in cases of reduced defenses and in periods of convalescence.

Both spices activate our body naturally, without exercising too much, so we can heal as quickly as possible.

What is flu?

Influenza is a viral illness that affects the respiratory tract , including the nose, throat , lungs, and bronchial tubes (the airways that lead to the lungs).

Although mild cases of the flu can be confused with the common cold , the flu usually causes more serious illnesses, which is why I bring you this natural cinnamon and ginger remedy to get rid of the flu!

Cinnamon and Ginger Natural Remedy to Fight the Flu:

Ginger is also very useful in cases of fever, pain and inflammation , as well as when we suffer from digestive disorders. In some cases, if we abuse this spice, we can suffer gastric irritation.

Cinnamon is very suitable for respiratory diseases due to its anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties. However, when buying cinnamon , we recommend choosing the Ceylon variety .


– 4 broken cinnamon sticks;
– 3 tablespoons of grated fresh ginger;
– 1 cup of water;
– 2 cups of white or brown sugar .


  1. First, add to a pan the glass of water along with the two glasses of sugar and mix well.
  2. Then heat the mixture until it starts to boil.
  3. Cook until the sugar dissolves, about 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  4. Then, add the cinnamon and ginger to the pan.
  5. Then let it rest for 30 minutes and strain the contents.
  6. Then pack the syrup when it’s hot and put it in the fridge.
  7. It is advisable to consume it before 10 days.

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