The 10 Most Common Bone Diseases

The Most Common Bone Diseases are many and varied. Furthermore, bones are an integral part of the anatomy of the skeletal system of the human body. While a newborn has about 300 bones in its skeletal system at birth, about 206 bones of varying shapes and sizes make up the skeleton of an adult human. While some of the bones are hard and compact, others are light and porous. Cartilage bones  (fibrous connective tissue) form the rigid inner frame of the body.

Muscles, ligaments and tendons are other anatomical features that support bones  and play a vital role in helping us move. Minerals such as calcium and phosphorus and a protein called collagen are essential for keeping bones  in a healthy condition. Deficiency of these minerals or collagen can therefore give rise to bone diseases. In this article, we are going to look at the different types of bone diseases that can affect children and adults. Check out the 10 Most Common Bone Diseases:

Rickets: Rickets is one of the Most Common Bone Diseases , This preventable bone disease affects children and young people, and is caused by a vitamin D deficiency. Rickets makes bones  fragile, which fractures easily, and its main symptom is pain. bone and muscle. Treatment is usually with dietary changes and vitamin D and calcium supplements.

Osteomalacia: It is similar to rickets in that it is caused by a defect in the body’s metabolism of vitamin D, but it mostly affects adults. It is characterized by weakened bones  and abnormal bone formation. Its symptoms are usually pain or fractures in the bones  and weakness. This disease is one of the Most Common Bone Diseases , it can also be treated with a good diet and supplementation, in addition to frequent sunbathing.

Herniated Disc: Herniated disc is an injury that most often occurs in the lower back. This disease is the one that causes the most back pain and changes in sensitivity to the thigh, leg and foot, so it is considered one of the most common bone diseases . Approximately 80% of people will experience low back pain at some point in their lives. The most common location for a herniated lumbar disc is in the disc that lies between the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae (L4/L5) and the disc that lies between the fifth vertebra and the sacrum (L5/S1).

Osteoarthritis: Osteoarthrosis, also called osteoarthritis or osteoarthritis, results from a slow and progressive degradation of the articular cartilage, which occurs when it is overloaded. There is also osteoarthrosis of genetic origin that can arise even in individuals who do not suffer from joint overload. As the process progresses, the cartilage becomes thinner, and in very advanced cases it may disappear completely, exposing the bone . Fragments of the joint and bone that break away cause inflammation.

Osteoporosis: Osteoporosis is one ofthe most common bone diseases , it is metabolic, systemic, which affects the bones . The prevalence of osteoporosis , accompanied by the morbidity and mortality of its fractures, increases every year. It is estimated that with the aging population in Latin America, the year 2050, when compared to 1950, will have a growth of 400% in the number of hip fractures for men and women between 50 and 60 years, and close to 700% in women. ages over 65 years.

It is estimated that the proportion of osteoporosis for men and women is six women for one man over 50 years old and two for one over 60 years old. Approximately one in three women will experience a bone fracture in her lifetime.

Meniscal Injury: The knee is a complex joint that undergoes flexion, extension, lateral rotation and allows movement in 7 axes. The menisci are essential to the normal biomechanics of the knee joint , acting as lubricators, stabilizers, shock absorbers and load distributors within the joint. They are mobile semilunar wedges of fibrocartilage, convex on the femoral surface and flat on the tibial plateau.

The tissue collagen fibers dissipate the compressive forces on the joint, thus reducing the direct force on the articular cartilage, which covers the tibio-femoral joint surfaces. Meniscal injuries are associated with progressive wear and tear of articular cartilage and the development of osteoarthritis.

Scoliosis: Scoliosis  is also one of theMost Common Bone Diseases, it is designated by a morphological deformation of the spine in the three planes of space (Souchard and Ollier, 2001). So the spine actually twists, not just sideways, but back and forth and around its own axis. This twisting to greater degrees determines the severity of scoliosis and the way it is treated.

Bone Cancer: Cancer refers to abnormal and uncontrolled cell division that leads to the development of malignant growth. Primary bone cancerrefers to abnormal cell division in the tissues that make up bones . Osteosarcoma and chondrosarcoma are the two types of cancer that originate in the bone itself . The cancer can start in another part of the body and spread to bones .

Bone pain, swelling, the development of a mass over the affected bone , fatigue and weakening of the bones are some of the symptoms of bone cancer which is one of the  most common bone diseases.

Fibrous Dysplasia: Fibrous dysplasia is one of the Most Common Bone Diseases that results in excessive bone growth or swelling due to abnormal cell development. There are several types of fibrous dysplasia, which mainly affect the bones of the skull, face, ribs, arms, pelvis, thighs and shins.

Paget’s Disease: Paget ‘s disease is a disorder of the cells called osteoblasts and osteoclasts, which are responsible for breaking down and rebuilding bone tissue. This condition causes the bones to become thicker, but also more fragile, due to abnormal structural development.

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