10 Mistakes You’re Making When Wearing Masks!
Mistakes you are making when wearing face masks as the government now recommends wearing masks or other face coverings when in public.
The intent is to slow the spread of COVID-19 : researchers have found that people can transmit the virus for days without showing symptoms, and wearing a mask can reduce your exposure to the virus .
What to do now? First, leave the N95 masks to the healthcare workers; It is recommended that the public wear homemade clothing or masks .
News of the week:
Second, follow this expert advice to avoid the most common mistakes when wearing face masks .
Mistakes you are making when using masks:
1. Contaminated mask:
Once you wear a mask , it is contaminated by anything. If you take off the mask and sit it on another surface, that surface is now contaminated.
It is best to use disposable masks and, once taken off, discard them. If you use a cloth or hand-made mask , it will need to be washed and sanitized between uses.”
2. Touching the mask with dirty hands:
If you contaminate your mask even outside, you can easily get infected.
Removing the mask and reapplying it with contaminated hands can move bacteria or viruses directly into the breathable area.
Make sure your hands are clean before fitting the mask. It’s best to avoid touching your face in general.
3. Using the same mask all day:
A mask should be changed or disinfected every 2 hours, otherwise viral particles can accumulate in it and you are more likely to breathe them in.
4. Not fully covered:
I see many people wearing their masks below their noses . While it will still protect others if you cough or sneeze, it will not protect you from COVID-19 if someone close to you is infected and coughs.”
Once the mask is properly fitted over the nose , it should be extended so that it fits just under the chin.
Once the mask is fitted correctly on the nose , it should be extended so that it fits just under the chin, this is to ensure maximum coverage.
5. Putting it too late:
Without the mask , you are susceptible to inhaling the particulates in the air. You must put it on before entering a hazardous area.
6. Overly trusting:
You might think “the mask is 100% reliable”, not so. “The goal is to reduce the risk. Ultimately, social distancing is king.”
But the surgical mask is not designed to provide a barrier between the respiratory system and all viruses and bacteria.
Social distancing helps protect you from viral particles sneezed and coughed into the air by people who may not yet know they are sick.
7. Spraying with chemicals:
But applying any chemical like Lysol to the mask that wets it is bad. You can spray it to lightly sanitize and then put it in a bag. Don’t saturate it.
8. Wetting the mask:
Once the mask gets wet, it becomes less effective and needs to be changed to dry, but avoid touching the mask with your tongue.
But touching the mask with your tongue makes it wet and more porous. You want the mask to be dry.
9. Putting it wrong:
Masks have a front (usually colored, textured, or branded) and a back (usually white and more cotton -like ).
But the verse must be touching your face. It is designed that way so that the particles are properly filtered.”
10. Do you think all masks are the same:
Different masks have different uses. An N95 mask filters out 95% of bacteria and viruses if they are properly fitted to your face.
But this is what healthcare professionals are using to better protect themselves when caring for sick patients.
Useful links:
A surgical mask is designed to contain your droplets and help protect those around you. This is one of the mistakes you are making when using masks