The 10 Mistakes That Prevent Weight Loss

Mistakes that Prevent Weight Loss  have been the subject of much debate lately. In addition, many people have a slow metabolism and few fat-burning enzymes, and even eating little and exercising do not lose weight. There are also genetic factors that play a role, making it difficult to lose weight, but these are manageable with special foods and proper exercise.Studies prove that eating little and eating the wrong foods can be worse than eating a lot, the problem is not in the amount of food but in the quality of food, the genetic factors predisposing to weight gain are circumvented only with proper nutrition.

However, there are also several cases of people who try everything: diets, exercises and even buy slimming products and nothing works. Little do they know that they may even be eating right, but having other habits that have prevented weight loss. So, check out  The 10 Mistakes That Prevent Weight Loss:

Excessive Physical Activity:  Anyone who has always been sedentary or is out of shape should start practicing physical activity little by little. Regular walks are the most suitable modality for beginners.

Sports that demand a lot of the body can cause injuries and be one of the Mistakes that Prevent Weight Loss  for prematurely interrupting a process that should be progressive. In addition, overdoing exercise is dangerous for obese people, who often have cardiovascular problems.

High Calorie Beverages :  Staying hydrated is essential when living a healthy lifestyle, but liquid calories can spoil your plan and become one of the Mistakes Stopping Weight Loss . Read labels and limit the calories you eat. We often eat more with our eyes than our mouths.

If you are using a small plate but a large cup, instead of using that large cup, switch to a small cup to decrease the calories in your liquid intake. You are about to drink 25%-30% less juice, wine or whatever. But if you’re going to drink water , you don’t have to be cool, it’s an ally of weight loss.

You have a health problem:  There are cases where the Mistakes that Prevent Weight Loss  are due to a health problem. And sometimes it’s not something you can identify without the help of a medical specialist.

Sleeping Bad:  There is no lack of studies that prove the relationship between poor nights sleep and excess weight. Research presented in 2012 in Switzerland, for example, showed that little sleep makes the individual consume more calories and reduces the body’s ability to burn them, making it one of the Mistakes that Prevent Weight Loss .

Another study, presented in June this year in the United States, concluded that sleep restriction interferes with brain activity in such a way that fatty and caloric foods seem more appetizing to people who slept poorly than to those who had a good night’s sleep. .

Changes Too Fast:  One of the big mistakes that prevent weight loss  is trying to change too many things in your eating habits at the same time. They wake up one day and decide to go on a diet, eliminating everything they were used to eating and drinking for the last 5 years (or more) and trying to follow a completely new diet plan.

Think about it, if you’re used to eating fast food, sodas and candy, is it easy to switch to fruits and vegetables overnight? Of course not, it will be torture, because you are addicted to these foods.

Obsessed with the Scale:  Getting on the scale often can cause anxiety and discouragement in those who want to lose weight and become one of the Mistakes that Prevent Weight Loss .

Healthy weight loss is progressive and slow, it doesn’t happen overnight. Furthermore, a person who is following a diet and exercising can lose weight without losing weight – which happens when fat gives way to lean mass.

Exercise Makes You Hunger:  Exercising definitely burns calories, but you may be gaining more calories than you’re using. So if you really need to eat something before or after your workout, make sure your snack is 150 calories or less.

Also keep in mind that just because you exercise doesn’t mean you have the right to eat whatever you want. It is fair to make rewards, but in moderation, otherwise it also becomes one of the Mistakes Stopping Weight Loss .

Overly Strict Diets:  Restrictive diets are bound to end one day. Diets that restrict essential nutrients, such as carbohydrates , proteins or fats, in addition to being difficult to maintain and not working in the long term, are harmful to health, as meals are no longer balanced and become part of the  Mistakes that Prevent Loss. of Weight . For this reason, most doctors prefer to recommend diets in which a person eats a little of everything.

Overdoing Healthy Eating:  A bowl of granola is healthier than a bowl of chocolate fruit. But just because a food is healthy doesn’t mean it’s calorie-free. Be aware of your calorie intake and portion sizes if you don’t want your eating to become one of the Mistakes That Prevent Weight Loss .

Skipping Meals:  Doctors warn: skipping meals does not make you lose weight, causes malnutrition and disrupts the diet, so this is one of the Mistakes that Prevent Weight Loss . A person who misses a meal will reach the end of the day withaccumulated hunger, anxiety and stress.

Thus, you will be more likely to eat more and faster at night, when the body is programmed to store, not spend, energy. Studies have also shown that skipping breakfast is bad for the heart. According to experts, even those who are in search of their ideal weight should eat three to five times a day.

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