Malnutrition – What it is, Symptoms and Treatments
Malnutrition – What it is, Symptoms and Treatments Malnutrition can be due to a lack of nutrition or excessive nutrition. In addition, both conditions are caused by an imbalance between the body ‘s needs for essential nutrients and their intake. Malnutrition , a deficiency of essential nutrients, can result from inadequate intake due to a poor diet or intestinal malabsorption (malabsorption), abnormally high utilization of nutrients by the body, or abnormal loss of nutrients through diarrhea , bleeding (bleeding), kidney failure or excessive sweating.
Hypernutrition, an excess of essential nutrients, can result from overconsumption of food, overuse of vitamins or other supplements, or lack of exercise. Malnutrition occurs in stages. Initially, changes occur in the concentrations of nutrients in the blood and tissues. Next, changes in enzyme levels occur. Subsequently, organs and tissues begin to malfunction, and then the signs of disease and death appear.
Despite the low percentage, there are still people who die from malnutrition. Malnutrition is often caused by poor diet, poor family conditions, or just an imbalance between the body ‘s need and the intake of essential nutrients. So, check now Malnutrition – What is it, Symptoms and Treatments
News of the week:
The 5 Symptoms You Might Be Malnourished:
Irritability: Extreme lack of patience, excessive sensitivity and even recurring pictures of a lot of sadness can be influenced by nutrient deficiency in the body.
Excessive tiredness: Excessive tiredness and lack of disposition can also be signs that something is not going well in the body . Food is the main source of energy for the body and, when precarious, it can lead to health problems.
Difficulty keeping warm: Feeling of unstable body temperature can also be one of the symptoms.
Very slow healing: The delay in recovery from diseases or injuries that do not heal can indicate a lack of nutrients in the body. Attention must be paid to the time of improvement of the ailments.
Difficulty concentrating: Difficulty concentrating and lack of attention, favored by lack of energy, is also a warning sign.
Malnutrition Treatment: This is suitable for patients who are able to eat and digest food normally. Involves home treatment:
- The diet planner and counselor discuss the patient’s diet and make recommendations and plans to improve nutrient intake from the diet.
- In most patients with malnutrition , the intake of proteins, carbohydrates, water, minerals and vitamins needs to be gradually increased .
- Vitamin and mineral supplements are often advised .
- Those with protein energy malnutrition may need to take protein bars or supplements to correct the deficiency.
- Body mass index is monitored regularly to check for improvement or responsiveness to dietary interventions.
- Occupational therapists and a team of doctors from different specialties may be needed for people with disabilities, who cannot cook or shop for themselves or who have mental disorders, dementia or long-term illnesses.
- Those who have difficulty swallowing, chewing or eating may need to be given very soft or pureed foods for easy eating.
What is Malnutrition: This text will focus more on the malnutrition aspect of malnutrition rather than malnutrition. Malnutrition occurs when an individual does not consume enough food. It can exist if the person has a poor diet that gives them the wrong balance of basic food groups. Obese people, who consume more calories than they need, can suffer from malnutrition in malnutrition if their diet lacks the nutrients their body needs for good health .
A poor diet can lead to a vitamin or mineral deficiency among other essential substances, sometimes resulting in scurvy – a condition where an individual has a deficiency of vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Although scurvy is a very rare disease, it still occurs in some patients – usually elderly people, alcoholics, or those living on a diet devoid of fresh fruits and vegetables. Likewise, children or children who are on special or poor diets for any number of economic or social reasons may be prone to scurvy.
What Causes Malnutrition : Malnutrition can arisefrom many factors. While undernutrition among the poor is mainly due to the unavailability of adequate nutritious food , overnutrition can be a consequence of a sedentary lifestyle or health conditions such as thyroid gland malfunction or PCOD.
- Lack of a balanced diet :
- Indigestible and harmful diet :
- Lack of regulated diet:
- Dirty environment:
- Lack of sound sleep and rest:
- Child neglect:
- Bodily ailments:
- Heavy work:
- Lack of Exercise and Games:
- Lack of food:
Heavy Work: Continuous hard work can hamper children’s digestive process. This is mainly observed in children from low-income groups, who have to do heavy work and a lot of physical work.
Dirty Environment: A dirty environment at home or school is one of the root causes of malnutrition. Home and school environments tend to get dirty when they lack fresh and clean air, sunlight, playground, clean tracks. This makes it difficult for children to get the necessary nutrition. Children who are made to work in glass factories, leather industries, brick industries, etc., must face a dirty, unhygienic and unhealthy environment. This can lead to malnutrition in children.
Indigestible and Harmful Diet: Digestible and unhealthy diets can be among the main causes of malnutrition. Children from wealthy families consume expensive foods that are indigestible and unhealthy. These food items can cause starvation, leading to malnutrition. Loss of appetite can cause many diseases like cancer,liver or kidney disease, chronic infections, tumors,depressive illnesses including malnutrition .
Useful links:
Lack of Food: This is commonly observed in the low-income group as well as homeless people. People with eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa may have trouble maintaining adequate nutritional levels.