How to lose weight after pregnancy lose up to 5 kg!
Generally , losing weight after pregnancy is usually a nightmare for moms who have just had their baby and want to get back to the old way as soon as possible. But how to do that in a healthy way amid the madness that is the life of a mother of a newborn baby? This complete 7-step guide will guide you and put you on the right path to lose weight, lose postpartum belly and get your best body back!
Weight Loss After Pregnancy is not usually recommended by medical professionals, it is recommended until obese or overweight women gain weight during pregnancy. However, there are many things that can prevent unnecessary weight gain during pregnancy. Here’s what you should know. To lose the extra pounds it takes determination, patience and some basic care.
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A survey by the University (Spain) showed that, instead of losing weight in the postpartum period, 94% of mothers gain extra pounds. This often happens because the calorie intake is much higher than necessary, leading to fat accumulation. To help you focus on what will really make a difference.
How to Lose Weight After Pregnancy:
After giving birth, the woman automatically loses a few pounds, which are those related to the baby’s weight and the fluids retained during pregnancy. In addition, when you start breastfeeding, the act of breastfeeding is already a way to lose weight after pregnancy naturally. This action consumes about 700 calories a day, that is, the same as the practice of an hour of running, for example.
Drink water:
Drinking water should be a habit present in the routine of breastfeeding women, primarily because water is necessary for the production of breast milk. Secondly, water will help you lose weight after pregnancy as it will remove toxins and make drinking-water-helps-you lose weight so that the woman feels less hungry.
To find out if you are ingesting the ideal amount of water, just be guided by the color of your urine, which should always be clear, almost transparent. If you can’t drink 8 glasses of water a day, try drinking some herbal tea or eating non-dehydrated fruits and vegetables without a shadow of a doubt this will make you lose weight after pregnancy .
Eat a Healthy Diet:
Crazy diets and regimens to lose weight fast are usually based on a sharp cut in calories , and tend to put the body under stress, which is exactly what a postpartum woman doesn’t need. Going on a crash diet too soon will affect the production of breast milk and hinder the body’s recovery during this period, which needs all the energy possible. Not to mention the rebound effect, which is cruel! The key to success is following a balanced postpartum diet and never skipping meals to save on calorie intake .
Sleep As Much As Possible:
A group of researchers found that mothers who sleep five hours or less a night are less likely to lose weight after pregnancy than mothers who sleep seven hours a night. This happens because when you sleep little, the body releases more cortisol and other hormones associated with stress, thus making it difficult to lose weight and also causing weight gain.
Be patient:
Being patient will help a lot to lose weight After Pregnancy, we always come across photos of celebrity moms in magazines and on the internet, who appear beautiful and thin a few weeks after having their babies, right? But understand that their reality is different from yours, and that’s why don’t get in the pile of getting an equal result and in such a short time.
Many of these celebrities lose weight by pushing their body to the limit in training and restricting their calorie consumption too much before their body is ready, which is very dangerous. Others spend “rivers of money” on numerous cosmetic procedures.
Why Lose Weight During Pregnancy:
According to the gynecologist and obstetrician, as long as the proper guidelines from specialized professionals are followed, there is no problem in overweight pregnant women . On the contrary, weight loss during pregnancy is a way to avoid risks to the fetus. “Overweight or obesity in pregnant women can lead to the development of gestational diabetes , which, consequently, can affect the development of the embryo”.
Difficulties in losing weight Pregnant:
For women who are not pregnant, finding the way to lose weight after pregnancy is no longer an easy task. You immediately think about restrictions and cutting out foods you like. During pregnancy this can be exacerbated and sticking to a regimen can be even more difficult. “Some pregnant women feel great, others say they feel terrible. It is natural due to the whirlwind of hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy”,
Therapeutic help or support groups can also make a big difference to maintain balance and not make food an escape route from the normal anxieties that affect women during pregnancy.
Weight Loss After Pregnancy Menu:
Option 1# To Lose Weight After Pregnancy:
- 1 glass of pineapple juice with mint;
- 2 slices of light wholemeal bread;
- 2 spoon (dessert) from cottage cheese;
- 1 medium slice of melon .
Morning snack:
Option 1# To Lose Weight After Pregnancy:
- ½ papaya with 2 spoon. (soup) of oatmeal and 1 spoon;
- (dessert) flaxseed;
- 1 cup of herbal tea .
Option 1# To Lose Weight After Pregnancy:
- 1 plate (dessert) of salad: watercress, arugula, lettuce, tomato, carrot and fennel with;
- 1 tablespoon. (soup) of oil;
- 3 spoon. (soup) of brown rice ;
- 2 ladles full of beans;
- 1 medium grilled chicken fillet (130 grams);
- 1 saucer of steamed broccoli with almond slivers.
Afternoon snack:
Option 1# To Lose Weight After Pregnancy:
- 2 wholemeal toast with 2 spoon;
- (dessert) of sugar-free jelly;
- 1 cup of coffee with skimmed milk .
Option 1# To Lose Weight After Pregnancy:
- 1 plate of vegetable soup ;
- 1 medium grilled chicken fillet (130 grams);
- 4 col. (soup) boiled carrot.
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Option 1# To Lose Weight After Pregnancy:
- 1 banana roasted with cinnamon ;
- 1 cup of herbal tea.