Lemon tea with honey to absorb more vitamin C (and how to make it)

Lemon and honey tea to absorb more vitamin C works, because during these periods you need to take care of your body and increase your immune system, and it is very important to know that there are teas that help you in this task.

Today I brought you a wonderful recipe for lemon and honey tea.

It’s a morning ritual for most of us to wake up and have a hot cup of tea before we start the day.

For most of us, it’s impossible to even blink or heed nature’s call without having a cup of tea.

There is something so stimulating about tea that it adds “Good” to your “Morning”.

Tea boosts the immune system and gives you energy to face the impending day.

There are a variety of teas to choose from. Whether you need a heavy dose of caffeine or a dash of flavor, there is always a type of tea available.

There are some teas that, if incorporated into our morning rituals, can help boost our immunity.

How important is diet to boost immunity?

Eating a low-fat, plant-based diet can help boost the immune system.

The immune system relies on white blood cells that produce antibodies to fight bacteria, viruses, and other invaders.

Vegetarians have been shown to have more effective white blood cells when compared to non-vegetarians, due to a high vitamin intake and low fat intake.

Eating a low-fat diet can also be protective.

Studies have shown that limiting dietary fat helps strengthen immune defenses.

Research also shows that oil can impair white blood cell function and that high-fat diets can alter the gut microbiota that helps with immunity.

Use lemon and honey tea to absorb more vitamin C.

Maintaining a healthy weight can also benefit the immune system.

Obesity has been linked to an increased risk of influenza and other infections such as pneumonia.

Fiber can also lower BMI, which is linked to improved immunity .

A plant-based diet has also been shown to reduce inflammatory skin biomarkers .

Top tea to boost immunity

1. Green tea

Green tea varieties have been consumed for centuries for their beneficial properties.

Green teas are rich in anti-oxidants called polyphenols. Polyphenols are effective in fighting infections.

They protect the body against possible viruses, infections and diseases.

Chamomile green tea is known as honey lemon tea to absorb more vitamin C, de-stressing the body and mind.

It promotes the growth of white blood cells, which are the biggest infection fighters.

Green tea mixed with Tulsi, Mulethi and Ginger helps to keep diseases like asthma, lung infection, cough etc.

While flavors like Ashwagandha and nettle leaves prevent the growth of cancer cells in the body and stimulate the lymphatic system.

Green tea anti-oxidants help rid the body of free radicals and make the liver healthy.

2. Oolong tea

Oolong teas have a seductive aroma, perfect for any morning.

Compared to green or white tea, it is high in caffeine, which is best for starting your day off right and energizing your body without letting it down.

The catechins present in oolong tea are essential in fighting obesity and liver fat.

Studies also suggest that 10 ounces of oolong a week can lower bad cholesterol levels in your body, protecting your body from dangerous heart disease.

Considered extremely beneficial for patients with type 2 diabetes, it works by metabolizing sugar.

A cup of lemon and honey tea to absorb more vitamin C prolonged boosts metabolism, making the day lighter and fresher.

3. White tea

The benefits of white tea are no secret. From chefs to medical researchers, everyone praises the sweet taste and health benefits of this tea.

Studies say that white teas are helpful in reducing the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease.

It is rich in polyphenols, tannins and flavonoids. In addition, antioxidants work to protect the various organs in the body.

In addition to scavenging free radicals that can potentially damage blood cells, DNA and collagen.

White tea can also alleviate diabetic symptoms by lowering plasma glucose levels and increasing insulin secretion.

Plus, the antibacterial properties of this tea can help fight infections, while its calming effects help relieve insomnia, stress, and fatigue.

4. Black tea

Also known as ‘Red Tea’, it is the most famous tea of ​​all categories.

Largely consumed in the morning, black tea is rich in antioxidants like polyphenols, catechins, and flavonoids that help to remove free radicals from the body to keep the body healthy and toxin-free.

Some catechins present in tea help to kill certain viruses.

Black tea is known to be anti-cancer and has bad cholesterol lowering properties.

One of the main differences between black tea and all other teas is that it contains minerals like potassium and manganese, which work incredibly to boost the immune system.

The tannins present in black teas not only give it the characteristic earthy flavor.

But they also help fight viruses like flu, dysentery and hepatitis.

It also contains alkaline antigens, which help boost the immune response.

Flavors like peppermint have traces of calcium, vitamin B, and potassium, as well as other antioxidants, which help your body better absorb nutrients and fight disease.

5. Chamomile

You probably drink honey lemon tea to absorb more vitamin C from chamomile when you want to relax, but you probably haven’t realized why chamomile is so effective at calming your stressed body and mind.

Chamomile promotes the production of white blood cells (macrophages and B lymphocytes) in your body.

These cells are the immune system’s biggest infection fighters, so keeping them in abundance is key to feeling strong and healthy.

Lemon and Honey Tea Recipe to Absorb More Vitamin C

Lemon Honey Tea Recipe to Absorb More Vitamin C is a home remedy that will boost your immune system, fight colds, soothe a sore throat and calm a cough!

I call this a “magic elixir” because it is effective in relieving traumatic cold and flu symptoms:


  • 1 cup of boiling water(;)
  • 2 TBS lemon juice(;)
  • 1 tablespoon raw honey(;)
  • 3 tsp of apple cider vinegar.

Preparation mode

  • Let 1 cup of water boil.
  • Also, add lemon juice, honey, and apple cider vinegar to a large mug.
  • Add boiling water and stir until combined.
  • Also, let it cool enough to drink!

Benefits of tea ingredients

Let’s talk a little about how this tea  prevents and relieves cold symptoms:

Water: It may seem silly to talk about the benefits of water.

But one of the best things you can do for yourself when you have a cold is to stay hydrated!

Lemon Juice: This powerhouse is full of vitamin C, which we all know helps boost immunity.

It also contains vitamin B6, which soothes nausea.

Lemon juice helps with digestion and actually helps fight infections because it has antibacterial properties!

Raw honey: I love raw honey. Also, a friend gave me two bathtubs as a gift and I was so excited.

It’s full of antioxidants and has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties, which means it helps kill germs like a boss!

Honey coats the throat, which helps relieve pain and calm coughs!

Apple Cider Vinegar: I know this ingredient is all the rage these days, and for good reason!

The main substance in ACV is acetic acid, which kills bacteria and helps the body fight infections.

It is also anti-inflammatory, and inflammation contributes to many diseases.

If you suspect this is a problem for you, try this turmeric milk too!

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