Lemon juice with ginger to treat the flu: how to make, use, recipes and tips

Lemon and ginger juice to treat the flu in a simple and natural way.

Lemon juice and honey is a good juice option to fight colds and flu.

With it, the body improves as a whole.

The main feature of the juice is  detoxification .

This juice will bring vitality to your skin, due to its ability to potentiate the elimination of toxins that cause overload in  the body .

They are turned into faeces, urine and bile and discarded by the excretory system.

These toxins enter the  body  by different means, but the main ones are fast foods, processed foods and medicines.

Especially the bad diet that is currently full of preservatives, dyes, trans fats etc.

Benefits of Lemon

The benefits of lemon are especially to increase the body ‘s defenses , fighting flu and inflammation of the respiratory tract because it is rich in vitamin C , which improves immunity.

Lemon is also important for:

  • Lemon helps to fight uric acid, because despite being acid, it is transformed in the stomach and will alkalize the blood;
  • Lemon helps to lose weight because it is low in calories and has fiber, which reduces appetite ;
  • Lemon helps protect cells, as it is an antioxidant fruit;
  • Lemon facilitate digestion and regulate the absorption of sugars by the presence of soluble fibers, such as pectin.

Benefits of Honey

The health benefits of honey especially involve improving the body ‘s resistance to colds and flu, for example, because honey fights microbes and is antiseptic.

Thus, Honey is indicated for:

  • Constipation : because it helps the intestines to move;
  • Bad digestion and gastric ulcers: because it has enzymes that facilitate digestion;
  • Bronchitis, asthma and sore throat: for its antibiotic and antiseptic characteristics.

carrot benefits

Carrot  is a  very important root in food, as it brings the following health benefits:

  • Carrots  help improve  digestion and fight constipation, as it is rich in fiber,
  • Carrots  help to prevent premature aging, as it is rich in vitamin A and antioxidants , 
  • Carrots help keep the   tan for longer, as it contains beta-carotene, which stimulates the production of dark skin color,
  • Carrots   help you lose weight, as it contains few calories ,
  • Carrots help to strengthen the   immune system, as it is rich in antioxidants,
  • Carrots  help protect vision, as it contains vitamin A , 
  • Carrots  help prevent lung  cancer due to antioxidants.

Flaxseed benefits

The benefits of  flaxseed include defending the body and delaying the aging of cells, allowing you to keep your skin always beautiful.

Flaxseed   is the richest source of omega 3 existing in nature and its use provides health maintenance and a better quality of life .

  • Flaxseed  improve  constipation , _ 
  • Flaxseed   helps control  blood sugar ,
  • Flaxseed  helps to  lower cholesterol because it is rich in fiber and omega 3 that reduce bad cholesterol;
  • Flaxseed   helps to lose weight ,
  • Flaxseed  helps to  reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases,
  • Flaxseed  helps to  reduce inflammation in the body, as it is very rich in omega 3,
  • Flaxseed   helps to lessen the symptoms of PMS and  Menopause as it has good amounts of isoflavone, phytosteroid and lignan, which control female hormones.

benefits of ginger

Ginger   is a root that can be used in teas or zest that can be added to water, juices,  yogurts or salads.

The health benefits of  ginger   are mainly for:

  • Ginger  helps  with weight loss,
  • Ginger  accelerating  metabolism,
  • Ginger relaxes the   gastrointestinal system,
  • Ginger prevents nausea and   vomiting.

Ginger Lemon Juice Recipe for the Flu

1. Lemon Juice with Ginger


  • Pure juice 2 lemons;
  • Pure juice of 1 lemon;
  • 1 glass (250ml) of water;
  • 2 tablespoons of honey.

Preparation mode

  • Mix all ingredients in a blender. Take 1 glass (250ml) every 10 hours for 3 days in a row.

2. Lemon juice with cardamom


  • 1/2 cup (tea) of lemon;
  • 2 cup of drinking water;
  • 1 tablespoon (soup) level demerara sugar;
  • 2 spoons of rose syrup;
  • cardamom powder to taste.

Preparation mode

  • Mix all ingredients and serve chilled.

3. Lemon Juice with Cucumber and Beetroot 


  • 1 fresh cucumber
  • 1 glass of Galician lemon juice with zest of the rind
  • 1 carrot
  • 1/2 medium raw beet
  • 1/2 cup (tea) mint leaves

Preparation mode

  • Peel the cucumber, cut it along with the other ingredients and put everything in the blender.
  • Whisk well until you get a smooth, smooth mixture.
  • Don’t sweeten.
  • Pass through the colander right away.

How to use

  • Drink a glass of this juice preferably in the morning, on an empty stomach.

4. Lemon juice with grape and flaxseed


  • 1 cup of red or black grapes
  • Fresh juice of 1 lemon
  • 1 cup coconut water (tea)
  • 1 tablespoon (dessert) of flaxseed (previously soaking in coconut water).

Preparation mode

  • Blend the ingredients in a blender with a few ice cubes.
  • Coe e tome

5. Lemon Juice with Ginger and Honey


  • juice of a lemon
  • 4 cherries
  • 1 slices of ginger
  • 1 spoon of honey
  • Glass of water
  • 4 pitted cherries

Preparation mode

  • Blend all ingredients in a blender and serve.
  • You can strain if you prefer.
  • Always take in the morning or with the last meal at night.
  • Take only once a day for 7 days.

Note: To really achieve good results it is necessary that you maintain a balanced and healthy diet.

To maximize the results, don’t forget to practice some physical activity.

Going for a walk every day is a good start.

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